The True Report and Peddlers of Falsehood Account of Tuesday’s Tribunal Proceedings – Barr. Omeiza Shadrach

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The world is full of all kind of peddlers of falsehood but today, this part of the world witnessed a specie of a new breed of peddlers of falsehood that shame the very devil, the father of all lies and liars. These kind of peddlers of falsehood will haunt you down with lies and dare you to breath.

Calls from various quarters have reached us seeking for explanations about story posted on “” by one merchant and peddler of lies called Austin Okai and his minions. In just one swipe without blinking eyes, they alleged forms of lies beyond what you can possibly imagine under the sun. Starting from

* the overnight counting of ballots in the favor of their “boss”,

* “importation” of thugs,

* disruption of the tribunal proceedings

* to the attack of Wada’s vehicles and convoy.

A whole lots of other shameless and unprintable lies were shamelessly made in the report. I don’t have the kind of sue generis depravity of the peddlers to reproduce them here.

However, as an eyewitness to the whole episode that occurred at the Tribunal on Tuesday and with all sense of responsibility and a high form of moral rectitude, let me just give you a succinct account of what transpired at the Tribunal proceedings.

It is normal, in this kind of proceedings, for Counsel to apply for inspection, productions and presentation of electoral materials and witnesses to prosecute their petition. This is what the Counsel to Capt. Idris Wada did, and the Tribunal granted them their prayers. Having granted as aforesaid, Capt. Wada Counsel did a terrible and untidy job hence an objection from Governor Yahaya Bello’s Counsel, asking to scrutinize the documents. The Tribunal upheld the objection and gave ruling in favor of Governor Yahaya Bello’s Counsel.

In fact, it was found that some of the documents intended to be presented by Wada’s Counsel were “unsealed” which really cast doubts on the documents.

I pray you to tell me, where is the counting of “Ballots” in this scenario?

Channels TV put the account of Tuesday’s proceedings thus:

At the proceedings on Tuesday, lawyers to Mr Idris Wada informed the Tribunal of their intention to present some documents which include ballot papers and result sheets used for the election.

The request was, however, opposed by the lawyers representing the APC and Governor Bello on the ground that the documents needed to be scrutinised.

With the objections upheld by the Chairman of the Tribunal, the petitioners were given time to perfect the presentation of the said documents.

Lawyers to the APC and Governor Bello insisted that the documents were not properly presented before the Tribunal.

Hearing of the petition has been fixed for April 11.
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Let me quickly add that, at no point whatsoever was there any disruption of the proceedings at the Tribunal.

One gets concerned and curious of the kind of spirit that possessed these accidental politicians, uncircumcised self-employed hype makers, mischief makers and politically blind and deaf parrots, who crave nothing but disaffection and wicked vituperation against the person of His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello.

I have decided not to waste your precious time on other unfortunate and libelous report of the peddlers and merchant of most malicious falsehood. But, they should be told, because they never know,  that, there is what is called “Cyber Crime (Prohibition, Prevention, ETC) Act, 2015 in Nigeria. Such laws are made to check mate cyber touts and miscreants like them.

Due to the respect I have to all the parties in the proceedings, especially, His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello Adoza, and to protect the sanctity of the Tribunal, I refrain from divulging all the crass display by some undesirable elements at the Tribunal. Everything will be laid bare in due time.

His Excellency cannot be deterred by those who have turned themselves as “butchers” of all good things of life in Kogi State.  Theses people see Kogi State as a territory to be conquered and looted. But we see Kogi State as our home, deserve to be salvaged and develop to the envy of the Nation.

Trust, under His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello, Kogi State will be made great and the people shall live a life of their dreams. Nothing less than this will happen in Kogi State.

Barr. Omeiza Shadrach, E.
PRO l, Fairwin
FairWin Tribunal Monitoring Legal Team.

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