The Need For Political Office Holders To Shun Unnecessary Alienation To Avoid Been Relegated At The End

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By Bakwo Godwin Jibrin

There are pitfalls that leaders easily and seem to always fall into, and to their detriment. These are alienation of themselves from the people, pride, ego, self-imposed pomposity and self and deluded importance.

Let someone ascend to a position today, he becomes incommunicado. He becomes unreachable, choosing to avoid those they had always known in the time past,  and feigning the poor reason of pressure of work etc, reasons that defy common sense and logic. Let them be out of same office thereafter,  and they crave for attention and worth they had destroyed while in office. No wonder out of office they become recluse and suffer from indignity which they had heaped upon themselves because of their avoidable conduct of creating barrier between themselves and the society.

People who fail to sustain touch with their roots while in office will eventual pay the ultimate prize of relegation to nothing upon their exit from the same office. This is a lesson many have suffered abandonment after they have left offices or positions,  but others coming thereafter easily fall into same situation because they choose not to learn from history. The good book stated “all these befell them and were written for those coming up hereafter”.

But how many learn from history? Sadly very very few.

The lesson is this: never alienate yourself because of office or position, for one day you will definitely leave such and return to the same setting you had created a barrier against. The consequences of such acts are often devastating thereafter.


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