Society Play in Agenda of Gender Imbalance

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Over the years, gender inequalities has been the most controversial debates in the world. gender inequalities is characterized by sense of inferiority and superiority. Gender inequality refers to the social, economic, and political differences and disparities between men and women.

Basically, gender and emotions are interconnected, and societal expectations can influence how individuals express and experience their feelings based on their gender identity. These societal expectations in turn further limit the female gender to certain things.

For instance, some family in African society limit female children to household chores depriving them of education. In other words, society do not expect much from them, as their idea is siphoned to the “ending up in the kitchen syndrome”. Owing to the fact that, social institutions are interdependent and that family as an institution in the society can affect or be affected by societal practice.

Relatively, the notions of inferiority and superiority at the family level, directly or indirectly shape the societal perception of the concept gender. For instance, most families desire male child in order to procreate and ensure that extra sources of income.

Cultures have been the driving force of gender inequalities at the family level most cultural practice forbids women in performing some acts or even taking leadership place. Also, the idea that male child must grow with the mind of taking responsibility while female children are nurtured with the psyche of being good housewives to their husbands thrive the unbalance. These disparities has further widen gender inequalities in the society. Gender inequalities is prevalent at the family and spread to other segment of the society.

In the words of Mr. Pawan, “When a man can’t impregnate a woman, the family advises them to adopt but when a woman Is barren or has difficulty in bearing a child, everyone around the man advise him to get another girl pregnant or better still, marry another wife You see, women tolerate a whole lot of stuff more than we do”. A social reality that emphasis on the issue of gender imbalance at the family level.

He further avers that, ”most of the things we throw at these girls are things we can’t stand ourselves. Most of the things they endure and put up with are things we will never put up with as guys. Consistently bleeding for 4 days and switching in between moods and still manage to stay sane is something that I can’t comprehend.”

“She doesn’t mind going hungry just so her children could eat. Most times she gives up on her dreams so that her husband can live his. She doesn’t have a life of her own as her children sees her as a Demigod and always run to her when they are in distress. Her hair keeps smelling because junior keeps peeing on her and she barely has time to think or breath.. though She may be the weaker vessel in strength she sure has a mind that is stronger than Samson’s…”

These culture of inequalities have undermine the prominent role of women in the family and societal level. There are many prominent but often unnoticed roles that women play in society, this includes unpaid work in society. For example, women are often the primary caregivers for children and the elderly; children always want to be close to her because most dads prefer to be close to their laptops. They often play an important role in maintaining family and community bonds.

At the society level, one of the biggest and most overlooked contributions of women is their role in the informal economy. Women often work in the informal economy, such as in small businesses, home-based work, or subsistence agriculture. This work is often not counted in economic statistics, but it is vital to the survival of families and communities. In addition, women are often the ones who provide unpaid care work, such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for elderly relatives. This work is often not valued in economic terms, but it is essential to the functioning of society.

Women also often play a role in peace-building and conflict resolution, and they can be powerful agents of change in their communities. Evidence shows that peace processes overlook a strategy that could reduce conflict and advance stability: the inclusion of women. The presence of women in positions of leadership can greatly reduce the likelihood of violent conflict emerging as well as the prospects for the peaceful resolution of existing conflicts. The import of this stance is that, wide disparities between men and women in the society has led to the concept of inequalities which in turn has beclouded societal view on the prominent role women plays in the society.

It’s high time, society change from their trivial perception about women and embrace women participations better still recognizing their distinct role they play in the society. Parents plays the key role in shaping the idea and instilling behavior in children. Since the family as an institution is capable of shaping the society has a whole. Parents should endeavor to instill proper orientation in their children to avoid them .create stereotypes about genders. This act is embark by the mantra “train your child the way he should go”

It is also pertinent to implement program that would incite mass education on such topics; the awareness messages should be communicated in persuasive form and convincing manner.

– Alaja Oluwaseun
Prince Abubakar Audu University, Anyigba.

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