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The biggest thing people like is independence! At times its hard to get or foolishly abused because it is cheaply gotten. To all that hold the vision of a better Lokoja local government Area will fight to get shake out from bonds,shackles of modern backwardness. Infrastructural Development and good governance which are holding the highest priority in the administration of Hon Shiru Lawal of Lokoja local government whose astute and adamant spirit of ”I must work it out,and I must crack the hard nuts of inability to work” in the local government is known to be bearing odd name of retrogressive now is bringing it to a new rebranded name of development.
It’s unfortunate that in Lokoja local government some people equate ”facts” with ”truth”,truth stands the test of time,truth transverse from generation to another generation, truth will ever stand alone even with dozens of lies standing against it,truth is truth there is no second name to it. That is not really my point of arguments. Mine is the lies that are being used to distort the facts on ground,using it sometimes in contradicting the truth that Shiru is not working.
It is obvious even to the blind and loud to the deaf, the impulses are huge enough for all to feel that the gentleman administrator is indeed working, a truth that’s far above the mere local of facts. You remain to be truthful by working and your work is generating and attracting assorted enemies, others even back stabbed you all because you believe in the principles of truthfulness, they say you are what you are not but does not make you less than the truth you swore to promote.
His performances of work in the lengths and widths of the local government has given him a superficial confidence and respect. The Joy of many in the local government will last if only Shiru will be staged out for a welcome back tenure in 2019, this will make his dream for a new Lokoja local government to be better realised as there seems to be a clarion call of continuity in all parts of the wards.
Gradually it’s becoming to a reality, the whole local government are calling you a star general because you are fighting even if it means standing alone when others will surrender at the front line of battle.
Sir I see in you zeal,I see in you passion with a dexterity to break the cycle, to change how the game is being played in Lokoja local government. In two years you have proven, convinced many to have the believe that even the people of Lokoja || will be peaceful, free from herdsmen and farmers clashes, which are paving way to your justice style of leadership all because the truth remains your cardinal issue.
An administrator who operate in the realm of ”truth” with an open door transparency policies of truthfulness.
Gaskiya Dokin Karfe: Dan Shiru, ride on as the Administrator of Truth, replacing the lies that beclouded the local government.
– Mubaraq Yasmin
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