Senator Atai Aidoko Still Has Questions to Answer (Part 2)

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As the dust from the PDP mega rally at Lokoja settles the table shaking that has already started in the first part of this similar article will continue. 

As much as our sincere target is to get the people of Kogi East aware of what their senator has been doing in the last eight years in office, we also hope that through this table shaking our party faithfuls and well meaning citizens of this constituency will speak out and ensure that all the funds and the about 1050 Motor and three cycles, and the over 2000 sowing machine mend for empowerment that has been diverted by the senator will be demanded and the funds released for mobilization will also be accounted for by our able senator Atai Aidoko. 

Let us continue with the suffering in Ugbamaka the senators paternal home, Mr senator why do you hardly pass a night at your paternal home Ugbamaka?

We will help you answer it, it is because of the lack of network and other basic amenities which you have denied your own people – to god and Man this is the highest form of heartlessness after eight years in power a seating Nigerian senator does not have network and common drinkable water in his paternal village. 

How would such aspirant liberate Kogi East, why will some one who first put the people in the condition they are today liberate them from it, its not possible instead he will continue from where he stopped. 

At the Atiku/Obi mega rally in Lokoja we watch the hand dragging between you and other members of the PDP presidential election committee set up my by former governor Ibrahim Idris. 

And I still want to ask why are you still fighting the formal governor over the coordinators duly appointed and why are you still bent on replacing them with your own cronies?

We understand that politics is a game of interest but we must also understand that certain interest that may not go well with the general public will create havoc. 

With the large turn out at the mega rally on Monday we hope that you will be convinced to allow this coordinators remain there instead if replacing them as you have already planned.

Another is the case of the cars you shared to the party leaders both in the constituency and at federal level, with all due respect Sir hope the money is not from our constituency allowance?

And we hope where ever it was gotten from you do not have the plans to replace it with our constituency allowance if by mistake you get back to office?

My readers this is how the seating senator has been buying his way to office over the years and until party leaders stop selling our mandates then we can not address the problem of poor representation which we have been suffering in Kogi East. 

Mr senator we would not want to intrude into your private life, but why do you only come home during elections?

we voted you to represent us at Abuja, we didn’t vote you to become an Abuja based politician and I strongly guess that’s why you keep finding it hard to remain in touch with the realities in the constituency. 

No body sees you, even when people from Kogi East come to visit you at the national assembly you dodge them, no body knows where your house is in Abuja, so nobody can ever visit you or run to your house for help and yet you claim to be the people’s leader, you claim to be there for the people, you claim to be a Man of the people. 

Sir we also want to ask what happened to the relief materials and money sent on behalf people attacked by herdsmen in Oganeinegu and other communities in Kogi East, or you ave delivered them to the people so that we can confirm directly from them?

Again let me say such inhumanity, such wickedness and I don’t care just to gather wealth for one self is not just bad, but a quick way of inviting God’s wrath upon your self and we demand that those funds and the materials you sold at Lokoja be return back to this people immediately.

What really happened to your human sympathy, what happened to your conscience, you don’t help any body, you don’t help those who need help no matter how close you are to the person, the same way you don’t facilitate with any one no mater the relationship.

No wonder you could not build a common house for your mother before her death(may the soul of that gentle woman rest in peace) – making her people to reject her dead body when you brought her burial.

And I ask again, how can a seating Nigerian senator who could not feed his mother while she was alive, a senator who could put shelter over his mother’s head when she was life develop the constituency?

What happened to your loyalist like Hon Boby Ujah, Hon Enema Ekpa, Hon Mario Ojodunyeneje, Hon Scarto, Hon Certon Abogede, Hon Mandy Philip Ekele, Hon Emmanuel Audu A.K.A Emiro, Hon Christy Onoja and Hon L’Amour Michael Onoja who were right behind you from day one?

We know they are all with Edward Onoja now and we are very sure the became tired of your heartlessness and selfishness, but imagine what the PDP in Olamaboro would have being today if such strong and resilient individuals are still standing with you and the party.

We are also aware that you sponsored Hon Huseni Idris A.K.A idrisma for the House of representative, an APC member and our question is how were you able to cover it and ensure that no body was aware?

I hope the table has not broken yet, because part 3 is already loading, we must tell our people of Kogi east why they have not been progressing like other constituency.

God bless Kogi East.

– Joshua Itodo

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