Albert Einstein became very famous and admired by every nations of the world for saying that ‘insanity is doing the same thing, same way, over and over again, and then expecting a different result.
Today, every Nigerian with a mind to think critically and independent of the Machiavellian political ideology; fire may consume the state in as much as my interests are intact, may likely agree with me that the current Nigeria’s sociopolitical structures and systems are a broken one.
Therefore the need to embrace a new order naturally becomes inevitable. Nigeria fondly referred to as the giant of Africa has become a laughing stock and a shadow of itself, to the chagrin of her concerned youths.
Today, it is an understatement that nothing is working in Nigeria! In a nation such as Nigeria where there is a prolonged systemic disorder what do we do, should we fold our hands and continue with the status qou with the current pace of global socioeconomic awakening?
For how long shall we continue to seat obese in the front of our TV sets expecting to wake up one day to find hospitals, roads, power supply and educational systems that we did not build? Angels did not build the countries that our politicians run to to meet their various needs.
Nations are built by governments and not fictitious beings. Our leaders must urgently wake up to their responsibilities. The youths desire a nation that works for all and not for the very few in the corridors of power.
Revolution is not the same thing as terrorism, it is a yearning for a new order that produces the desired results for progress and development of any given nation, it is a rapid change from a rather unproductive convention to a more sensible, save and sublime ways of doing things. And so, the vehement resistance of this movement by the government without a particular interest in the closest possible stakes of the advocates and the frontiers of the movement is a pointer that the government prefers to remain Paleolithic in her approach to governance. And that is bad politics.
Since good politics beget progress and growth.A bird eye view of the various lists of the demands from the organizers of the revolution who fall in the social category of youth will convince you that their requests are not in anyway peculiar to Nigeria, namely: That the government should end anti – people economic policies, end special privileges for the ruling class and return political power and national wealth to the working people. All over the world young people are even more awake with fierce interest in the affairs of the government of their various countries.
Similar to what Nigerian youths are doing. What is the big deal?Therefore, for Mr. President to be able to prove to the whole world that he is not on a hidden mission to completely silent the youths for the perpetuation of the old political order even when there is a pressing need for a rapid change which characterizes the global political scene, he must employ wisdom in addressing the demands of the youths that brought him to power.
Especially today that the inclusion of the youths and the exploitation of their talents and innovative ideas stands tall in the priorities of world leaders. God bless Nigeria!
– Leke Idris (Playfair)