Reps: We Did Not Endorse Hassan Omale for Second Term – Omala APC

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The attention of the Executive Members of Omala LGA APC has been drawn to a malicious, fraudulent, self serving and self seeking publication endorsing the second term ambition of Hon Hassan Omale, member representing Ankpa, Omala, Olamaboro, in the National Assembly.
We the Executive Members of Omala APC, make bold to state that at no time did we sit down, nor had a meeting endorsing the aspiration of any candidate in Abejukolo.
The decision therefore by Alh. Danjuma Baba, former Chairman, Omala APC, to single handedly endorse a candidate, is not with our consent, and as such, does not hold water, but a figment of his imagination.
We the APC Executive Members in Omala, would at the appropriate time follow due process, work within the party’s rules and regulations in endorsing a candidate. We therefore wish to dissociate ourselves from the purported action of Alh Danjuma Baba, aimed at personal enrichment.
We ordinarily would have allowed the law of the APC take it’s course on the anti party activities against the Chairman, but before that takes effect, we wish to place on record that the Omala LGA APC Executives, have since passed a vote of no confidence on the Chairman, Alh Danjuma Baba, urging him to cease parading himself as the chairman of the party, as stipulated by party’s rules and regulations, regarding his misdemeanor.
Similarly, that the former Chairman has so chosen to mortgage his office, aligning with one Reuben Odaudu to endorse on behalf of Omala APC, to endorse the aspiration of Hon Hassan Omale for a second term is therefore not only false, null and therefore an action of no consequence, but rather laughable.
Let us therefore state categorically that the Omala LGA APC Executives continue to pledge our unalloyed loyalty and commitment to the leadership of Governor Yahaya Bello, under whose leadership of the Kogi State APC we belong.
We the Executive Members of the Omala LGA APC wish to remain unflinching in our dedication to the new direction administration of Gov Yahaya Bello, and also to the leadership of Hon Ibrahim Aboh, Administrator of Omala LGA.
Finally, our vote of no confidence passed on the disgruntled former Chairman of Omala LGA APC, occasioned by his anti party activities, that is inimical to the administration and Gov Yahaya Bello led leadership, means that any one that transact any business, or relate with him as such, does so at his or her own peril.
Boniface Pius
On behalf of the 11 APC Chairmen and Omala LG APC executives.

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