Queen Habeeba: The Tip Toeing Lioness in Lokoja I State Constituency

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When a Queen decides to go out and fight for the interest of her people, it shows enough is enough to anti masses laws in our state.
Wisdom, tenacity, focus, smartness and vision to get a target prey is found in a hardworking lioness who remains the Mother in the jungle. The political movement of Queen Habeeba Aliyu remains a divulging surprise to so many doubting Thomases in Lokoja.
To this great lady that believes in the super performance of the supremacy of God to rule in the affairs of men (People), this soft spoken Lady, this gentle lady is now the Lioness, cat working by God orders to fulfil destiny, to replace the replaceable because she answer the called of a super mighty God who said “come let me send you to my people who are called by my name, to take away their pains, sorrow, struggles and hardship.”
It’s simply a call of “my daughter it’s a time to obey my voice for the sake of nations yet unborn.”The empathy life style of this leadership personified lady is tip toeing her to occupy a place that’s only God will can stand to prove right and others wrong, a place ordinary the hand and the ordinances of men would never take her there.
Yes Queen is an example of from grass to grace, from dishonour to honour and from glory to glory, a journey that’s best described her to be “the anointed one have arrived”, the Oracle of God is coming with the mantle of leadership prepared by God to lead people well to their places of destiny.
Her love, compassion, peaceful nature and high level of generously is more than words can tell,calling her into partisan politics is like obeying an order from above (God).
She is called to serve not gate crashed to serve as the voices of people that beckons on her are certainly the voice of God saying “Habeeba where are you, I want to send you.”
Gradually and hopefully, step by step, little by little with a droplets of waters a mighty ocean is formed. Queen is tip toeing, she is working, moving closer to where God wants her to be for the sake of humanity.
– Abbas Yahaya

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