Poverty and Unemployment: Justification for Citizen’s Economic Right in Nigeria Social System

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Having understudy the various aspects of Nigerian socio-political live, I have come to the realisation that the country needed a total over haulage and reorganisation of the socio-economic and political formation of the state. The present formation of the state is self contradictory as the basic principles upon which the state is govern is non conforming with the true economic, social and cultural composition and conditions of the populace.

Practically speaking, the over emphasis of the political and legal structure of the state on civil and political right of the people at the expense of their economic right is not justifying in a poverty riding society like ours. As a democrat, I have not come to undermine the principles of democratic governance as enshrined in the constitution which anchor on the fundamental human rights of the people, but to call the attention of the stakeholders in Nigeria politics to the fact that the  basic economic materials  needed for a descent life by the people deserve the utmost fundamentalism.

In line with the above expression, I hereby put it forth here that civil and political right will only amount to an abstraction and ideologically obfuscatory  mechanism to perpetuate the elite hegemony on the masses, because these rights cannot be attained by the poor masses when the basic economic right is relegated to the background. It is only when the people are well fed, educated, have a good shelter and sustainable economic wellbeing that they can be conscious of their civil and political right which I believe are secondary to humans living. For there to be social and political justice and fairness in the country, the basic economic right of the people must be made fundamental human rights.

It is high time our leaders in Nigeria should live up to their responsibilities of providing for the basic necessities of lives for the citizens, that an unemployed graduate in a blessed nation like ours cannot be catered for or has no due in the wealth   of the nation is a practical manifestation of deprivation leading to aggression and frustration manifesting in crime and other deviative characters in the society. For there to be an effective peace, for crimes and other social ills to be brought to book, the problem of poverty, Illiteracy and hunger must be radically reduced to the bearest minimum if not totally eradicated in Nigeria.

It is also pertinent for the government to understand that relying heavily on the coercive apparatus of the state to solve the attendant problem of crime and insecurity in the country is by no means justifiable, rather diplomatic and economic approach should be subscribe to, since the poor masses has been psychologically traumatised with poverty,  starvation and unemployment, it will be unwise to rely on force and coercion to command loyalty and as well solve  problems of crises and conflicts in the state.

If truly we are in dire need of peace, effective social and cultural intergration, a true sense of patriotism and national consciousness, then, the economic right of the people should be prioritised and make the fundamental human rights which could be defended in law court. Nigeria state is so ravaged with poverty, unemployment, starvation and illiteracy that the masses hardly think of their civil and political right talk less of defending it. This scenario has continued to aggravate the level of inequality and social segregation in the country which undoubtedly engendered the course of social ills in the country.

Above all, the Nigerian masses and political followers should be aware of the fact that the plight of social rebirth in the country is a responsibility of all, elements of sincerity, accountability and uprightness should not only be found in   leaders, but the followers as well. Finally as we approach another general election in the country, my utmost advice to the electorates is for us to seized from being a gullible followers in the hands of the political tricksters that are ready to further our exploitation. Nigeria shall be great again.



– Odunayo Tanimola

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