Perils of Skipping Classes by Student and Its Negative Impacts on Education System

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Skipping classes has become a common practice among students, it means to bypass or ignore your class on purpose. This habit has brought numerous negative impacts on the education system. When students skip classes, they miss out on valuable learning opportunities, disrupt their own academic progress, burden teachers with the need for extra catch-up sessions and undermine the overall educational setting within schools.

Firstly, skipping classes deprives students of essential knowledge and skills. Classroom instruction, supplemented with discussions, practical demonstrations and interactive activities, forms the foundation of a student’s learning experience. By missing these classes, students are denied the opportunity to engage with the subject matter, ask questions and participate in collaborative learning. Consequently, their understanding of the curriculum suffers, resulting in knowledge gaps that may inhibit their academic performance.

Secondly, skipping classes hampers students’ academic progress. Each class builds upon the previous ones and knowledge is cumulative. Bypassing classes disrupts this continuity, making it harder for students to grasp new concepts or follow along with subsequent lessons. Consequently, they often struggle to complete assignments, perform poorly on assessments and typically require additional support to catch up, an extra burden on both teachers and the education system.

Moreover, skipping class may not always be the best choice especially if it becomes a habit because, the habit of skipping classes sends a negative message to others, normalizing a lack of commitment and diligence. When students witness their peers routinely skipping classes without apparent consequences, they may be encouraged to do the same. This erosion of discipline and commitment undermines the educational environment, perpetuating a cycle of apathy and reducing the overall effectiveness of the education system.

Furthermore, skipping classes negatively impacts teachers’ ability to deliver quality education. Teachers must expend additional time and effort to help students who have missed classes catch up on missed material. This diverts teachers’ attention away from planning engaging lessons, delivering interactive teaching and providing timely feedback to all students. Consequently, both the quality and pace of education suffer, creating a suboptimal learning environment for all students.

In conclusion, skipping classes by students has detrimental effects on the education system. It deprives students of valuable learning experiences, hampers academic progress, undermines the educational environment and places an additional burden on teachers. Schools must work towards fostering a culture of regular attendance by the students, emphasizing the importance of attending classes and addressing the reasons behind students’ disengagement to ensure a well-rounded and effective education for all.

– Abraham Achimugu writes from Abuja.

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