Patience; A Virtue When Investing Into One’s Self

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I would be taking you on a journey of how patience should be a virtue when investing into one’s self…as I go further I would be unravelling all that you need to know.

First and foremost, what is patience?

Patience can be defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.It can also be seen as the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining.

What is Virtue?

Virtue can be seen as moral excellence; goodness; conformity of one’s life and conduct to moral and ethical principles; uprightness; rectitude.

Patience as the word implies is a virtue, over time I have come to discover from my research and personal study that 90% of humans are not patient enough especially when it involves their growth, decision making or investing into any area of their life, don’t get me wrong but most persons do not have the avalanche of time in order to do away with something that they are not comfortable with, or grow themselves into becoming the best version of themself.

Humans are known for always seeking a short cut most persons are not ready to go through the process and become that better version of themselves instead they are out seeking for easy ways to achieve a particular result.

As individuals there are things we need to know there is room for us to grow and invest into ourselves but we should also have it at the back of our minds and it should be a daily and constant reminder to us that nothing good comes easy, there is also a point we need to come to when building ourselves and that point is a point of patience, a point where we need to carefully and patiently grow ourselves and see to it that we improve and add value to our life on a daily basis.

As humans when dealing with a particular habit we need to be reminded that everything is time… before you  got to that point where it became an habit it was first nurtured either subconsciously or unconsciously so in order to do away with that habit you need to deliberately make up your mind with an active conscious effort involving patience, it doesn’t just happen over night it’s a gradual process more reasons why you have to take things easy on yourself as an individual, same is applicable when it comes to investing in yourself or building yourself to become that successful picture you have imagined or set ahead to become.

Another thing you must know is that no great man or woman out there made it to the top by mistake they got there by making progress on a daily basis and if you must attain greatness you have to be ready to do the same when investing into yourself you don’t only read books that are important to one aspect of your growth… developing yourself is not limited to a particular area but developing yourself all round; Physically- learning things that helps you in your day to day activities

Mentally – knowing how to react or respond to things or situations around you

Socially – knowing how to relate and associate with people,in words andactions

Academically – learning how to build and sustain knowledge both in character and in learning

Emotionally – learning how to manage your emotions and how to deal with situations around you without any atom of emotions involved or recognized in it.

Psychologically – Learning how to behave in different situation, in different facet of life,and how to tolerate people and handle situations around you (temperament).

Many individuals are result oriented not process concerned, nothing happens suddenly or by wishing if anything should, would, will happen to you in the place of growth or investment it first starts by you taking a step, you can’t be aspiring to become a business tycoon and all you do everyday is to sit in the four walls of your room looking at the handwriting you placed on your wall which reads “I WILL BECOME A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN” without actually working towards it if you do that then you are only preparing to fail….the easiest way to fail is lack of preparedness, lack of patience and self-deception,” IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN THEN YOU PLAN TO FAIL” so many persons have read that in several times maybe in the course of trying to develop themselves, it’s never easy anyone who tells you the road to success is Always smooth is lying to you and lying to his or herself or anyone who tells you there is a light at the end of the tunnel without taking any step towards development, that statement will continue to be a lie.

If you must achieve the main course you have set ahead for yourself in ensuring you are better and you become that valuable asset then you must deliberately with tenacious abandon having in mind always that patience is a virtue as long as you are doing it right.

If it takes focus, determination and effort to keep you going it takes PATIENCE TO GET YOU THERE.

– Onekutu Deborah
Student at the Mass Communication Department,
Prince Abubakar Audu University Anyigba, Kogi State.

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