Opinion: Yahaya Bello is A Political and Social Accident

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Yesterday, I heard that our dear Ghost Yayaha Bello (GYB) went to visit Aso Rock. My own problem as a Kogite is not visiting the villa that matters, but what has he gone to do there?
Most governors go on such visits to make progress reports on the socio- economic progress of their states, showcase the economic and other potentials of the state and if possible woo federal investment into the state. But unfortunately, our own situation is socially, politically and ideologically ironical, the governor used the state resources, his own time just to go and report a senator in the person of Dino Melaye. What a shame for the internally displaced governor who is looking for political relevance by all mean.
After such an abomination outing, the governor still went on air to call Dino Melaye all sorts of distasteful names like social deviant etc and calling on the senate to weed out such senators from within their midst.
From the above statement, it is crystal clear that the governor is behind the already failed recall process and is also indirectly or directly involved in the worsening security challenges in the state that has lead to the loss of lives and properties.
Also, there is no greater deviant either socially, economically or politically than he who is entrusted with power and can not account for the collective resource collected on behalf of the people or account for the utilization of same.
A leader who can’t pay labourers wages for their sweat and alleviate poverty and hunger in his polity, despite availability of funds. A leader who sees fraud, embezzlement and lies as regular trademark is adjudged the greatest political deviant and such a leader should not have any business with leading the people.
How I wish there is a provision for the democratic recall process of a Governor. I guess that of Kogi state will take less than 72 hours to complete the recall process.
The problem of GYB is that of trying to win the confidence and loyalty and legitimacy of the people, but unfortunately he is doing it the wrong way via the use of money and negative propaganda, instead of using policies and programmes that will enhance and improve the socio-economic status of the people of the state aimed at reducing poverty and hunger and a comprehensive infrastructural development of the state.
We are faced with a government without a governing/governance ability, a vibrant state without a leader. A state where unity of purpose and direction has been thrown into the winds by a set of underdeveloped and half backed politicians.
– Sam Enemama Akubor

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