Opinion: When We Block Others, We Downgrade The Essence of Synergy for Development

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Friends it’s another fresh working week and it is important to remind ourselves that each person has a deposit of progressive potential and the more opportunities are created to harness the potential and bring it to a common pool the faster and more qualitative development is attained.
When we block others based on personal interest, we downgrade the essence of synergy.
Block personal interests and you will see how synergy will automatically upgrade development. Many people sit on the fence when issues are discussed this a dangerous attitude because it gives room for temptation of discussing persons rather than discussing issues.
When the common barn in the family is being looted and a whistle is heard blown by some family members that noticed it and your voice is not hard giving caution or being part of the looters for fear of being labelled a rebel, that is sitting on the fence.
It is not healthy for you nor the family.
If the looters succeeds the entire family suffers hunger and starvation and you can not be an exception. So it is more profitable to lend a voice to stop the looting.
It is not easy to halt a move that seems an accepted norm on a larger scale but the battle of conscience know not number.
It knows only the common front, the enemy of progress.
Friends come out of your closet and do not sit on the fence. It is not well with our common barn the family barn is not only being looted but destruction is setting in gradually.
We should unite and stop the next level of destruction being hatched with the looted proceeds of our family barn.
Even as communities cry and what belongs to them is given to them in piece meal branded with names of those who were supposed to be community representatives it is clear that many of those who we entrusted to represent us are the looters and are becoming Lords rather than community representatives.
May we not sit on the fence and expect different result if our voices are not heard now.
Friends life itself is a risk shout now and free your conscience for it is better to be sent to physical prison that has a tenure than being a perpetual prisoner of your own conscience.
Take the side of dignity say No to looting and support progressive synergy. Let’s make the family and indeed the Nation proud once again.
Our common barn should be protected by lending a voice.
– Isaac Obajemu

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