Opinion: What Do You Wish Your Nation and The Leadership?

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There is so much power in the tongue, so much that the atmosphere seems to translate whatever we utter repeatedly in to our everyday reality.
In simple terms, one who constantly spews out words that are negativity embedded will have himself living in a world of negative imagination while the positive tongue will in turn create a positive world for his personae.
What you utter is certainly a product of your inner soul and you do have the power to represent either. You can be negative or positive.
The greatest irony is that we all crave for a beautiful life, beautiful family, awesome friends and a most awesome society. Those beautiful things are not possible without a purposeful leadership.
No matter how successful you are and irrespective of your sector, you will never have your much sought peace of mind if your country doesn’t have a purposeful leadership.
You may decide to relocate to another country with a better system but the sad reality is that your root is your root and there is certainly no place like home. You can never get the best out of your wealth in another man’s land.
Just imagine the following early morning and late evening prayers by three different nationalities
1. Dear God, please bless the Queen, bless the Queen’s land and also bless me.
2. Dear God please bless Gods own country, bless the President of the United States and please bless me and my family.
3. Oh God let my opponents fail, let their manifestos and development plan all fail, may they fail and be voted out at re-election. I am tired of this Nigeria. Yet we claim to be most religious nation so much so that people pick arms and ammunition in the name of defending their creator.
The British and American citizens are considered  the first class citizens of the world. Everyone hopes to reside in their country and possibly get citizenship because of the workability of their system.
Nigerian parents spend a fortune just to see their off springs being delivered in America so as to have the citizenship by birth.
If the Americans or British had consistently cursed their country and the leadership,they certainly won’t be where they are today.
Assuming there is an air crash resulting in an unfortunate loss of twenty nationalities including two Americans,the while world reports will be that “We lost 18 people and two Americans”
Super humans you will say. Yes of course, they adore their country and it adores them.
Some readers will be tempted to ask me the question “What has my country done for me or what is my country doing  for me? Why should I pray for the looting political class? Why should I wish anyone well?
The United States can go all out because a single citizen is trapped out in danger. YES! It is true but did you ask yourself how they got there?
They believe in their system,they express hope infinitely, they “always always” believe that there is always something positive in every negative.
President George Bush jr, after the Democrats victory that ushered in Barrack Obama, was asked; “what if Obama fails and his answer was that ‘the president of the united States will never fail ‘ because it’s about America and all Americans will be behind him”
In Nigeria people forget that the country must first succeed before we can all succeed as citizen.
Without a house, you can’t have a home and a family.
Sadly we wake everyday believing that it is harsh, tough and definitely negative. From the people, leadership and everything, we give it a tag of negativity. Let’s always remember that the universe echoes or returns whatever signal we send to it.
It is impossible to have two occupants produced by two different political parties at the same time for a particular office.
Let’s be reasonable enough to wish whoever wins a purposeful tenure.
You must criticise them to keep them on their toes.
If you are generous enough to engage in constructive criticism, posterity will remember you and If you are a champion in negative criticism, posterity will also badge you appropriately. Either way, it’s still criticism.
Let’s all always pray for ourselves by praying for our country and all our leaders. It is a veritable tool for progress and prosperity.
Please note that praying for your leaders doesn’t stop you from voting out the incompetent during re-election.
– Alfa Shittu Ishiaka writes from Enabo.

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