Opinion: We Have No Responsible Government in Place Today

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I have never been a fan of this administration both in the state and federal level and you can’t blame me for sticking to my stance about them since 2015. They’ve done nothing to impress me, majority of the people who supported them at the beginning are all disappointed in them today. Buhari has failed us just like Bello his son is failing us today.
I draw my inspiration from the recent attacks on our soil by Fulani herdsmen and other criminals who destroyed lives and properties worth billions of naira, displaced the residents and rendered them homeless.
The response of the government at the state level was nothing to write home about. The best the governor did was to visit the affected communities, take pictures, spray money on the road and made a mess of the entire situation by his famous comment ” family affairs”.
The responsibility of the government requires more than just visitation and declaration. It should include words backed by actions. but not when it concerns Kogi State and Kogi East in particular because Gov Yahaya Bello is pleased with whatever the federal government dish out to us even if they choose to kill all of us, he will be happy with Buhari.
I expected that after the visitation of the governor, he will call for a beefed up security and set up an IDP to be taking care of the victims until the crisis is over but nothing of such happened. KOSEMA was not seen neither were there any call to NEMA by Kogi State government to come to our aid. The people were left to their fate to either stay alive by defending themselves or be killed by folding their hands and they did stayed alive.
In Omala local government alone, we have 105 houses burnt down and nobody that I know  has said anything about rehabilitation except for one anonymous donor who donated a 100 bags of cement and some money as his own windows mite when he paid a condolence visit to the palace of Ojogba and used that medium to access the spate of the damage done by the herdsmen
The victims of this attack needs support from the government, NGOs and well meaning Nigerians to get back on their foots. In Iyade, a village in Omala for example, the whole of the village was razed down. As i speak with you now, no single building is standing there. How will this people cope when they don’t have roof on their heads.
Just like the anonymous donor, I wish the state government can be responsible and responsive  enough to come to the aid of this people by taking this matter up, they can also help by calling on federal government to assess the rate of the damages caused by this killer herdsmen.
I call on NGOs and well meaning Nigerians from Kogi East, Kogi and our friends across the river to wade in and save us from this calamity that has befallen us for it is no fault of ours.
– Comrade Maji Isah

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