Opinion: Time To Remember Bunu

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It would not be wise to bore you with the historical background of  Bunu in particular and Kogi State in general  when you can ask Google.

Across all spectrum of the economy – from medicine to sports, education to industry, music to law – Bunu has not been found wanting. We have often led the way while others followed.

It behoves on us as young, dynamic, intellectually sound and focused team to join hands to build a better image for Bunu land.

How do we achieve this? It is for us to summon a new spirit of responsibility, service, patriotism and sacrifice. “Let us resolve to pitch in and work hard and look after, not only ourselves but one another”.

In the spirit of raising up and building a new Bunu land, let me go back to 27 years ago to remind us of the message of archbishop Benson Idahosa (better known as papa).

We have come a long way. We have blamed ourselves enough. We complained enough, we cried enough, we fought ourselves enough, we hated ourselves enough. It is time to do what the bible says.

In the book of Nehemiah 2:8,  the prophet Nehemiah cried to the people of his days.

“Then I told them about how the gracious hand of God had been on me, and about my conversation with the king. They replied at once, “Yes, let’s rebuild the wall!” So they began the good work.

It has come to a time when we told God that we would not be part of the complainers but a part of solution. Now we are calling on all and sundry here today and wherever this piece of message may be heard.

It is time for us to do what prophet Nehemiah is saying here: ‘come together as a people, to build a new virile Bunu’

There are lot of opportunities in our area yet untapped due to infrastructural deficiencies, lack of goodwill from the elites and governmental failure.

The untapped mineral  resources are enormous to enhance government internally generated revenue for the state,  create employment, attract foreign investors and bring succours to our lingering infrastructural decay.

#Enough is Enough!

– Emmanuel Oni write from Bunu.

Email: mysonlanrebig@yahoo.com

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