Opinion: The Abuse of Power is The Root of Crisis and Crime in The Society

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Join me to enjoy the wisdom Czesław Miłosz,  “In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot.”
Ladies and gentlemen, old and young, permit me today as I speak on the matter that seems to be troubling and denting democracy in our society. If we all say is not our business and we don’t care then whose business?
Before my simultaneous movement i want to appeal to friends and family who are always concern about my security and welfare and also advise to remain silent in the midst of scandalous political office holders we parade in our local governments today. I know you have reason for your observation but permit me as i break out of your advise today.
When you began to listen to plenty counsel from different quota if you are not careful enough your value system and integrity will be tempered with. So friends and family listen to me to understand reason i cannot be silent anymore.
Ladies and gentlemen, in recent time some political office holders have been threatening and calling friends to warn some people to desist from speaking what they know about their scandalous activities in the office.
These set of people have lost their mind, power have enter into them, they are drunk by ego and arrogance have shortens their vision and they cannot see and comprehend the undiluted truth.
On 24th Nov., 2000 my father took me to the farm, while going he began to give me training on how to hunt for wild and dangerous animal… and he said to me ”what am about to tell you will be scary but if you can overcome the threat and fear of any form either of human or animals you will  be a great hunter that will conquer his conquerors  and become a man of valor in life. he said in life falsehood will always want to intimidate truth but if you stand firm you shall have the last laugh.”
Each and every time he will leave me alone with a hard task and  when i ask dad why me always he said I am training you how to reign and it will be a shame to raise children who will not be able to stand the test of time in their days and remember, I am not always going to be with you…learn how to solve problem yourself in the midst of threat and discouragement.”
 21st Oct 2014, Dauda, My father left this planet earth to be with his maker, may his soul rest in peace dad…amen.
When Alan Moore V said “People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people” it is because he know the power vested in the people either constitutionally, divinely and morally.
I said this for those who think i can be move by their mere threat and name calling to beware and adjust their thinking cap. for in threat I was conceived, in threat I was born, in threat I was raised and in threat became what I am in GOD and in threat I am still living.
The great people of Kogi State and all the Okehi local government i beg of you to come with me as i speak on the subject title… The Abuse Of Power Is The Root Of Crime In The Society.
A state and government that does not seek to exercise absolute control over the ideas, views and opinions of the citizens but encourage the free expression of the opinions irrespective of the subject matter. for the assumption of a liberal society is that out of the multiplicity of views and opinions expressed, the wise, the competent and the discerning and the critical will be able to distill the useful, the relevant and the essential from the useless and irrelevant instead of threatening and calling for one’s head.
When you see corruption and crime growing faster in the society like ours that should call for forensic check of leaders in political office to have forehand information what they do with public resources and power vested in them …but today we salute them, call them all kinds of names and accord them existing and non existing titles forgetting they are holding the back bone of our destiny.
Are you not surprise a teacher who could not buy bicycle not to talk of car, or building a house after few months of appointment he became a landlord, cars owner ever lavishing our public fund, living large at the expense of the masses and you expect me to keep quiet. i was told they are preparing for those who live in Lagos and Abuja to come home so that they can unleash their power on them… I look at this, even though it’s occurrence ratio is, as a figment of imagination of some overzealous cheerleader. However, if time is not taken and caution embraced, that office will not be housing them when I come home, because God does not give power to hurt, beat and to cause crisis but to make lives out of the citizens by creating enabling environment and for the security of life and property.
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself and retrace his step”
No wonder Isaac Asimov said, “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false ignorant leaders that democracy means that ”my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’” the time to contend that false gospel is now.
His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, the executive Governor of Kogi State, your government is one out of all that permit the youths to be part of the decision makers in the society…we appreciate and I say thank you….
But something is wrong when your selection is based on loyalty and friendship instead of competency, skills and credibility.
Something is wrong when you do not check their characters before given responsibility.
Your excellency there is danger ahead, what you are trying to eradicate is breeding in the society by some of your local government administrator.
It will be unjust to kill thugs and criminal and allow your government at the LG level to breed same we both condemned in the past.
Whatever happens conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of peace and unity you preached and ensure it is follow suit by your appointees and administrators to avoid repeating the formal in the land.
Abuse of power breed crises faster than anything. Power abuser hardly know because the sycophants that parade themselves to be lover of New Direction.
“Our politicians still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, so you must be violet and ready to smoke anybody before you could be allow to participate in the system. And our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid and violent than nature made them.”
Abraham Lincoln wrote and i quote “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.” liars in your government should be shown the exist door if we must have a system that work, a system that will engage men and women who understand the purpose of power must be paraded from top to bottom for good governance to be a reality.
God Bless GYB
God Bless Kogi State
– Ogo’Ogu MD

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