Opinion: Peeping Again Into The Stewardship of Dr. Victor Adoji

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Last week, I wrote an article titled; “Sorry Dr Victor Alewo Adoji, I Had To Do This One”. In that article I brought to the public some of the things Dr Victor Alewo Adoji has done for his immediate community Okula Aloma in Ofu Local Government Area of Kogi State.
That article was aimed at responding to many questions from the opposition members of his constituencies asking to know what he has done for the people in the form of humanitarianism and we had to start from his immediate community.
Though I was chastised for that article by Dr Victor Adoji because it goes contrary to his personal philosophy of “whatever I do for anyone, remains with the person and not for public consumption”. That philosophy is a very good philosophy but it is not entirely applicable in the kind of politics we play in this part of the world.
As a very good but stubborn marketer that we are, we are not always bordered when scowleded by a superior for doing the right thing that is to the good of a project at hand. So I have decided to do this again and respond to some of the issues raised by different commentators as a reaction to the last article.
Questions like
1. Why did he have to concentrate only on his community?
2. It is only his community that will vote him?
3.Why are we not aware he did all this for his people? Etc
I knew queries like this and more will arise, even before I wrote the last article because people will be very curious to know more. It is a good thing so many people reacted positively while others who are few in numbers but known, reacted negatively just to cast aspersion on the person of Dr Victor Alewo Adoji. It is all good though, because you can not have everybody supporting you. Some will have to be at the opposition, criticize you and help bring out the best in you. We appreciate you
Like I said in my last article, I told you I did my background check before opting to support him in this project. It was not only what he did for his community that I found out, I found that he has done a lot for Kogi East and Kogi State in general that should call for our support. We highlighted some and challenge other aspirants within and across party line to showcase what they have done for their immediate community so we can compare and see how committed each of them is to their immediate community first before asking to represent the entire Kogi East. None has come forth even as we speak. This is lack of capacity on their own part
Some of the things Victor has done and still doing are:
1. Dr Alewo Victor Adoji has 1,638 ( One Thousand Six hundred and Thirty Eight) persons on his scholarship scheme. Can you beat that?
This scheme cut across graduate, post graduate and  vocational studies.  I am being specific about the numbers here because I met with his chairman of the committee on scholarship and went through their register carrying the full details of the beneficiaries and the institutions they attended or still attending.  This is something he has been doing in the last 10 years, so it has nothing to do with his political ambition today. He is truly a phenomenon. Rallying round him should be a task for all of us
2. Dr Victor Alewo Adoji has sponsored many persons to further their education abroad. This can be arrested to by many, even from amongst his critics today. What else do you want from a man if not education? He is well read, well traveled and well trained so he values education and wish that everyone he comes across gets educated even if averagely. He has been very helpful in this regards.
3. He is presently sponsoring one Igala son for aviation course in the USA. A program that has costed him about Ten  million naira ( 10,000,000). Expending that much for someone you never met, you never had contact with, you never had business with but all for humanity and to advance the cause of Igala land is something worth emulating. The fact that he doesn’t even sing about it like others who will give you 5 naira and takes it to the radio is another unique character he exhibit
4. Victor Adoji has sponsored many people to the Holy lands of Mecca and Jerusalem for pilgrims. In his community which is a small community in Ofu local government for example, there are 11 persons who has gone for Islamic Hajj to Mecca 7 of them courtesy of his humanitarian disposition. He has done same all over Kogi East and Kogi state.
—-He has belt houses for families
—-He has bought cars for people for business and private purposes
—-His foundation has helped widows and many less haves picked up lives in the form of empowerment to start up small scales businesses.
While Dr Victor himself continue to tell us, his constituents what he is bringing to the table if Elected as Senator to Represent the good people of Kogi East through his ‘ MEET THE DVAA SERIES ‘, we will do our best to dig into his past antecedents and bring to you what he has being doing for his people. This things we talk about are verifiable that you can go do your personal findings to find out the veracity of our claims.
In my subsequent article, we shall be talking about his stealth at Zenith Bank and his influences on jobs for the teaming Youths of his constituency
We shall also be talking about his socio-cultural disposition and how grounded he is to the cause of Kogi East development.
There is no emotions here, what we are bringing on board is a man with capacities to deliver on the mandate. We are not looking for COMPENSATION, we are not colluding to bring down anybody just like some other aspirants jostling for the position from within the PDP and even the APC want to. Our focus and determination is to bring an upgraded kind of leadership and direction to the people of Kogi East and we have found a match in Dr Victor Alewo Adoji
– Comrade Maji Isah writes from Dekina LGA, Kogi State

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