I was in a near state of confusion when I read with dismay that Governor Yahaya Bello has setup a 7-man committee to probe the past administration from 2003 to 2015, apparently the PDP administration.
Who is giving such piece of advice to the young governor ?
Gov. Bello, as a result of the panel shown in the picture above, is trying to cause chaos to the already over-heated polity of the state. It is rather unfortunate that there seems to be no direction about the much echoed ‘NEW DIRECTION’ else the governor won’t be wasting our commonwealth/patrimony in chasing shadows.
I expect the governor to take a clue from the ‘scarecrow’ at the helms of affairs, while trying to fight corruption, he is only chasing his perceived political enemies thereby plunging the economy into the mud.
If ever there is a direction about the NEW DIRECTION administration, GYB won’t be causing unnecessary distraction for himself and the entire state, a state that is already gasping for breath economically,but the Governor is hell bent on plunging her into economic quagmire.
May I quickly remind the young governor that instead of the probe panel already perceived by many as ‘WITCH HUNT’ he should have channeled the scarce state resources into meaningful projects that will better the lots of the good people of KOGI state. How many probe panels in the time past yielded good results?
I am not surprised by the actions of Gov.Yahya Bello, he is merely trying to cover up for his ineptitude. If GYB is serious about probing any past leaderships of the state, he would have included the administration of the late Prince Audu Abubakar. It is no longer news that the administration of the late Prince Abubakar Audu was by far the most wreckless administration ever witnessed by the state. Even the blind and the deaf knew how that administration could not account for eleven billion naira ( N11b) of our common wealth.
While his attack dogs of questionable characters will jump at defending just about anything, it is pertinent to note that only those who care and wish the governor and the state well will tell him the painful truth, these men are hatchet men trying to reap where they did not sow.
How can a man who himself is an embodiment of corruption and financial wrecklessness have the guts to point accusing fingers at the past administration? Have we not seen/heard how the governor borrowed huge sums of money just to acquire cars for himself and his appointees? Have we all not been witnesses to the of the haphazard with loopholes way the state conducted the screening of State and Local Government workforces and how salaries are being paid?It is disheartening to note how the government celebrates paying salaries as an achievement.
A word is enough for the wise. GYB should be advised to sheath his sword and face the business of governance and channel our collective resources into various meaningful projects that will add value to the economy and provide succour for suffering masses in the state.
– David Godwin History (NIM, INEN)
Social commentator and public analyst.