Opinion: Kogi State Power Tussle

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Power failure is now a curse in Kogi state; a state full of educated, intellectual beings and worthy politicians. A state where education has been placed as the last priority of government, a state where workers labour are always in vain, a state where hatred, tribalism, religious differences and political imbalance reigns supreme.

The truth must be told if truly we want a better Nigeria as expected. Silence in an unjust environment is said to be a crime.

Enough is enough! Kogi youth has always been at the receiving end of political fight. If we are to make reference to number of Kogi youth that have lost their precious lives in political battles, time will catch up with us.

Death of one youth is just as the death of a country, the life of youth should be the government priority to protect, if there is no youth there is no country.

At this junction I call on Kogi youth to wise up. No political gladiator care for you, they only care about their ambitions. If you die, it is none of their business, why not build your empire on your own than putting your hope on them, your life is special and precious to FIRST MASSIVE LITERATE (FML).

Stop worshiping politicians, they are not God. Stop praising them they are destroying your heritage.

All politicians are the same, there is no difference in them, stop siding one against another, they are using your time with their time. Get these to your thinking faculty before it too late. FML need you to be alive for your family, community, Kogi state and Nigeria.

The division old politicians placed between Kogi West, Kogi East and Kogi Central is enough, as a youth we need to build the wall of Kogi state back again. Politics of hatred must be a thing of the past come 2019 when youth will take over.

In conclusion, I call on Kogi state government to reopen tertiary institutions in the state in order to reduce waywardness of the youth in the state. I leave you all with this;

“An idle man is a devil workshop”. Late Mandela says education is the tools to win illiteracy. Think and act fast

– Comrade Awobiyi Ojoanu Timileyin.
Acting Coordinator, FML Kogi State

National Secretary, FML.

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