Opinion: Embracing Peace and Working in Unison, The Only Way to Development

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Unity amidst diversity cannot be effective without prerequisite ingredients such as justice, fair play, honesty, tolerance and peace. No one can imagine peace and unity to where there is rancor, acrimony, injustice and lack of trust. A community with many dishonest people can neither co-operate together nor remain united to improve their standard of living as no one is ready to trust the other. We therefore need to have the resolve to pursue justice, honesty, tolerance and peace with a view to enthroning and fanning unity in the midst of multifariousness.

For instance; A cornered rattlesnake, if cornered, can sometimes becomes more upset and bite itself, that’s exactly what the harboring of hatred,enviness and resentment against our fellow can do to us by holding these spites and hates but the deeper harm is ourselves.

Let most of us, who are a walking-bombs of resentment, jealousy, hatred and petty enviness do away with it for the sake of unity and posterity.

We are all created by God in his own consanguinities and likeness. This world belong to him. Its not our place to hate and harbor bitterness. God saw it fit, we co-habitate and there is need for us to embrace one another, co-exist peacefully as we build up a nation.

I am using this medium to implore each and everyone of you to collectively join hands with this young Conciliators ; Ambassador Anthony Ogar and Comr. Theophilus Ibrahim a.k.a Finepheel, who happens to be peace exponents, and presently Fanning and advocating for peace, especially in Igala nation via different means  and in their respective endeavors.

You can now ask for a tape of Igala Unity song, titled “MEDABIWA” (Come back) as produced by #Finepheelz which typify in details ;come back, let think of  how to Conciliate for the aim of developing our land.

Godwin Jibrin Bakwo,
0812 6401582

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