The abysmal state of my dear state is exasperating and always keeping us on our toes. I am not insinuating that the present government isn’t trying but the need to add more effort as become pertinent as people lose their lives everyday.
I must commend His Excellency Governor Yahaya Bello for tirelessly fighting insecurity in the State, indeed it’s worthy of commendation, people can now sleep with their eyes close a major source of death and then hunger; but you will agree with me that nothing sounds interesting to an hungry man, remember the saying “An hungry man is an angry man” people no longer see the effort of my amiable governor simply because they are not being paid, but as much as I know AYB has paid some genuine civil servants who are fully cleared but what about the rest who are yet to be paid for months now, what about those who served for 35years and have now retired? Though…. They were receiving their salary until this January, 2017 and these are they people who needs this money the most, for some of them are aged and can no longer handle farm tools to work just to put food on their table, that’s why my governor should look into clearing their outstanding salary and gratuities as these will go a long way in helping them, their children, family members and also it will help carve the Governor’s name in gold in the heart of men.
Promise made to the common masses is promise made before God, remember you gave a time limit that the caretaker committee rather local government administrators will stay before you conduct another election, now the time as elapsed, yet we have got no go ahead for an election for we to have an elected chairman rather than administrative heads, if this people have represented their people well, they can also be in the contest and definitely they will win because they represented well but if reverse is the case they may end up being voted out, this will vindicate you and no body will think there’s any hidden motive behind their long overdue stay in that position. Please your Excellency sir, without waste of much time, set up a committee that will conduct a peaceful and fair election for the betterment of our dear state which you have vowed to lead aright and have stake in, all this to us is exasperating and can be corrected
people like Muhammad Ibrahim Ogbanago should be encouraged for their show of integrity, loyalty, sincerity and quality representation of our dear state outside the chores of the State by giving the chance to impact in people positively in which ever capacity,as it’s no longer a news of his commitment towards uplifting the State and painting a beautiful image of our dear State outside the state, he is verse and digitally inclined. Though…. We are already urging him to come back home and join his excellency in some of the good works of my dear governor.
Distinguish governor sir! Necesitamos cambiar nuestro enfoque para un país mejor(Spanish)
(We need to change our approach for a better country) even if it means giving up some things for your dear people.
However, we have our flaws as the only impeccable master is God almighty, this is to say all the matters and complains raised are neither born out of sentiments nor an intended sycophancy but a free heart who is saying that no matter what, not every body will Kowtow in your powwow ( to kneel or bow to your council)! But you have to be steadfast, stay focused and correct your wrongs for there is no human that is without a mistake. Looks directionless but very directional……..
– Comrade A.A. Hussain
DOC, Propagators of Real Change in Nigeria.