Opinion: Abuse of Opportunity and Act of Cowardice by Phrank Shaibu

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Whatever your name is called; Phrank Shaibu, you are nothing but a coward and not man enough to confront your issues. You have displayed crass ignorance in the highest order. You forgot that life in itself is vain and empty the moment we can’t hold oxygen within the walls of our lungs.

Today, you are opportuned to have access to State powers and all you could do with it is to abuse it, use it against your fellow man you can’t confront.

At a time when the world is seeking a united human race, you are driving home a selfish ego. I don’t blame you hitherto. You can only get away with this nonsense in a country like Nigeria where there is gross abuse of fundamental human rights on every front.

I don’t care who you know today. It is only but for a short while. Sitting position in the board room changes. Imagine when the government have issued a sit-at-home order, those lawless IRT policemen engaged in such callousness undermining the orders of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A time when social distancing was ordered. Anyone there could have been infected with Coronavirus.

It is a shame. I don’t want to be tribalistic with this, like people would say an Igala youth vs another because one is close to Yahaya Bello and Edward Onoja in a bid to carry out the hatchet job they (Bello and Edward) couldn’t and failed to execute over time.

The policemen playing your errand boys roles here are the most useless and worthless. Do you guys understand or have the ability to differentiate a civil from criminal case?

Let it be known today that this is a total abuse of the fundamental human rights of Usman Okai Austin and we will not keep quiet because someday, if this is not addressed, we will be victims of this crass wickedness and insanity.

According to Edmund Burke “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” 

Whatever or whoever had informed this alien act blindfolded you to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its third session on 10 December 1948 which Nigeria is bound to. This matter has just began. 

You may think that you have embarrassed him publicly by stripping him naked before the camera, treating him as a petty criminal, NO! you only added another feather to his crown. Every freedom fighter, Rights Activist have had a price to pay, so it is no big deal. 

In the correct words of Dele Giwa of blessed memory, “Any evil done to man by man, will not go unpunished, if now, tomorrow. If not by man, certainly by God.”

– Austeen Anibe Otene

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