His Excellency, let me first and foremost use this avenue to congratulate you on your One Year Anniversary as the Executive Governor of the ” Confluence State of Opportunities”.
For some of us who have been keeping an eagle eyes as events unfold in Kogi State, it has been transformational revolution, life – changing innovations and people-centric leadership in the last One Year. You have actually “hit the ground running”!
For a fact, there are no better words to exemplify your governance style – investment- driven initiatives, Public – Private Partnership engagements, sterling welfarism for Workers, Pensioners and Citizens, qualitative health care service delivery, educational support system and unwavering funding, fiscal responsibility and discipline, stewardship, prudency etc
Realistically, Nigerians and by extension, Kogites are experiencing excruciating economic difficulties, in view of this, you have taken urgent and proactive measures to cushion the effect, first, by offsetting the bills for West African Examinations Council (WAEC) for students and just few days ago, made approval for payment of (Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations – JAMB) for Students in Public schools and all internal examinations for Students and Pupils in Kogi State.
Your Excellency, you were also magnanimous in given approval for the payment of bursary to Kogi Students in all citadel of learning.
This piece won’t be complete if I fail to made mention of your approval for the payment of fees of Law Students in Nigerian Law School of Kogi extraction across the federation.
Without mincing words, the financial burden on the parents to pay these fees have lessened with your intervention.
The Peoples’ Governor, your avowed determination and commitment to sustainable funding of all tertiary institutions in Kogi State is noteworthy.
The newly established ones like CUSTECH Osara and Kogi State University, Kabba are undergoing massive infrastructural turn -around.
I’m proud of your accomplishments, sir!
Your Excellency, you’re not just kicking the ground running, you’re moving mountains!
Ordinarily, I should endeavour to flatter your accomplishments in a very short period of time, but it could amount to distracting you from continuing to scale -up your developmental strides.
Our amiable and humility personified No 1 citizen, one thing that is unique about your style and demeanour is the originality of being fair, just and equitable in the execution of projects across the three Senatorial Districts.
Political observers of events have confirmed that same massive infrastructural developments ongoing in Kogi Central like road construction, provision of portable water, rural electrification, complete rehabilitation of health care centers, erosion control etc are also visible in Kogi West & East simultaneously.
Your Excellency, this is unprecedented in the political annals of the State since creation 24 years ago!
Kogi State civil servants, Pensioners down to the grassroot level are glowing in new aura and breathing a new lease of life. This is largely due to your approval and immediate payment of the new #72, 500 minimum wage across board.
The talk and do Governor, some pessimists who initially felt concerned about your ” lack of experience” have suddenly eaten their words because of your proactive nature and visible developmental strides.
Even your sworn critics and political opponents are singing a different tunes!
No doubt, you’re a great example of leadership driven by values and passion, selfless principles and uncommon empathy.
Whenever the folklore of Kogi State will be written, you sure have a positive place in history for posterity to assimilate.
Our dear Governor, for me, I’m prepared to walk this long political journey with you as the Constitution permits. And I’m also optimistic that these visibly happy citizens will speak in one voice and accord via their votes because you’re guaranteeing an assured future for Kogites irrespective of ethnic, religion, class, status or other minute considerations.
Once again, congratulations for taking Kogi State a step further in building a virile, sustainable and enduring legacies.
Hon. Tony Oloniruha writes from Kabba.