Dear Ibrahim Yakubu Aboh,
In fulfilment of my allegiance to the strive for the growth of our dear local government, I advise you in the best interests of our people.
This shouldn’t be considered as hatred or enmity but an eye opening to facts and existing reality in concord with the wishes of the entire Omala populace.
You have served our people to the best of your leadership skills and the people you served has experience and witness the limit to which you can serve and they earnestly demand a change in the hand in charge of Omala local government affairs.
Currently, popular opinion describes your four years in office as council administrator as years of unproductive leadership, on the ground of no evidence of practical and tangible achievements benefiting the people to back up the theoretical claim of projects executed by your administration.
It is on this premise the people call on you to relax your council executive chairmanship ambition and shift ground for fresh head to prevent further peace, growth and development stagnation.
Recent testimonies, actions and inaction of key Omala APC pioneer members across all 11 wards against you is a vindication of my several criticism against your administration and it is a striking indication that your chances of success in this race narrow.
Please, agree with me that the office you secured through luck and God’s grace contributed to your personal progress than the local government at large and it is a sign of failure and misplaced priority in the course of leadership.
On this note, I affirm to you that politically you have shot yourself on the leg by betraying the trust of the masses, therefore, it is stress free and wise you quit your ambition and save your wealth for the rainy days ahead.
Do no be hoodwinked by the sugar voices of your pseudo supporters because your real supporters and sailors of Omala APC are not with you, consequently your current political strength is founded on deceit, dead hope and futile assurance.
Of course you created impacts and showcased your best but your best does not satisfy the expectations of the entire Omala citizens, so be considerate and give way for others.
This is not about me but about the welfare of hundreds of thousand Omala citizens demanding for quality leadership and their interest is supreme to yours. I, therefore, honestly advise you take my words as words of a sincere patriot who will never request personal favour from you but for the masses.
My words may not be appreciated now but in short time you will wish you had taken them if ignored.
Thank you as we anticipate for adherence to the masses call. Best of luck, my wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Yunusa Muhammed Lawal