His voice penetrated the chamber loud and clear. It’s okay! He screamed, “honorable minister! I said it’s okay!.” The rowdy session had sparked an altercation between the hunter and the prey. What happens when the hunter becomes the prey in the process of hunting? It’s okay!
The rage continues. This minister will cause trouble for someone here o, he thought. His colleague doubled down with her incoherent question trying to deflate the point. He reached out subtly to tap her, she is not responsive (women with their wahala). He tried to tap her again to stop so he could end the whole probe. But the minister continued implacable.
Perhaps, someone is afraid. Someone’s hand is soiled with red oil while wearing a babaringa. That type of babaringa Ganduje stuffed with dollars and was later declared by baba integrity as a hero. Baba wears babaringa too, it is their dresscode. But baba doesn’t wash his dirty linen outside.
He who comes before equity must come with a clean hand. The day of reckoning is here. They asked him to give account of his stewardship, there is a malodorous stench of foul play oozing from his stewardship. He must give an account, we must not sweep this thing under the carpet, for black goats must be caught early, before it gets dark.
He has made his position clear, many of those who were entangled in the web of the conspiracy to steal commonwealth must account for it, it is obvious none is a saint, but what happens when a sinner judge a sinner for sinning differently?
From Pondei to Akpabio, the inanities and corruption keep exposing itself. A follow up of this probe will ostensibly reveal the web of the laundry business in Nigeria politics. A system that enrich the few while the majority lives in penury, a system that churn out some of the most avaricious people to ever walk the face of the earth. A committee of vultures who hunt in group to devour their prey while pretending to be taking care of it.
Such is the institution that claim to make laws. A nation is doomed when its lawmakers are corrupt, they will keep making laws that shield them from censure or checkmate their nefarious activities while stealthily robbing the people it claim to serve. A broken institution.
For those who had managed this institution, they’ve always perceived themselves as innerant, they’ve constantly ignored public outcry amidst a clamor for defunding the institution that has the highest take home in the world while being ineffective and unable to legislate its people out of poverty. An institution that seek 37 billion naira for renovation of its house almost close to the health budget of the country.
Finally, the chicken has come home to roost. Those who defecate at night see the ghost grasshopper. The ghost of the shady enterprise is chasing them. It’s okay! But we must get to the crux of these matter, because it seems those who have been invested with power and authority has become a law unto themselves. The vestige of corruption still lingers ostensibly, the footprints of the hunter can be trailed, and it will lead us to more revelation.
If the vulture fails to hover at the end of a sacrifice, then you know that something happened in the land of spirits. The land of the spirit is in pandemonium, everyone is putting their house together, judgment day is nigh, those whose palm kernel have been cracked by a benevolent spirit shouldn’t forget to be humble. This same institution that humbles people is now been humbled. It is okay!
It is the day of atonement, the nation is on standstill and in shambles, the day of reckoning is here, everyone must give account, including the citizens – they’re part of the system that produced their oppressors.
The hallmark for socio economic development and national growth lies on the quality of the leaders. A leader is but a reflection of its society, a noble people will produce a noble leader, the ignorant and the corrupt will produce corrupt leaders. Jacques Rousseau says. The quality of Nigerian leadership has been a regurgitation of old, non effective, corrupt and power drunk bullies. Does that reflect our society? Does it mean the foundation of our society is built on weak moral values?
How long do we keep reproducing such set of people?
Are we about to wreck this boat in the process of patching the leakages that is sinking it? Are we drowning under our own weight? These are salient questions that must be answered.
Akpabio and Pondei has proven themselves beyond reasonable doubt to be part of the problems of the system, they’re the parasites that are eating up Niger Delta, but I assure you they’re people who support them in Niger Delta and will go any length to defend them for crumbs, such is the mentality of the people that craves a working nation.
In the process of this probe many files will still be revealed. The lawmakers are obviously part of this. We must not leave any stone unturned, this maybe a path to a great national discovery and we must follow the trail wherever it leads.
It’s okay honorable minister, please don’t expose us too much. It is just a public trial, we’re also guilty of the crime we are accusing you, we can settle this thing with more dollars when the camera and microphone is not there, this is just a simple case, you’re taking these thing too far, we’re both partners in crime. It’s okay! Off your mic! Mic drops!
– Sunday Jude Abah, a writer and freelance journalist.