Nigeria’s 19th Years of Nascent Democracy: As We Endure The Last Pain of Imperialism in Kabba/Bunu Constituency!

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“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death – Patrick Henry.
Dear Good and wonderful people of Kabba/Bunu Constituency, I bring you solidarity greetings once again on a day like this.
Today’s celebration calls for a sober reflection especially at this crucial point in time that our ” Demo-crazy” seems to be at the cross road, as evidenced in the political intolerance, violence attacks and repression of the press freedom and the general hostilities that threatens our unity.
For the purpose of clarity; I intend to look at the above subject matter in tandem with where we are coming from i.e. the period before contact with the White race. This era includes the period of our intercourse with the white race, the era of foreign rule and decolonisation through to the Independence period and where we are going owing to the fact that the dream of the future is better than the history of the past. Dr. Nkwameh Nkruma, the Ideological Clearheaded President of Ghana, a Pan Africanist par excellence must have been having the good people of Kabba/Bunu Constituency in mind when he laconically averred that Neo-Colonialism is the worst form of Imperialism. For those who practice it, it means power without responsibility, and for those who suffer from it, it means exploitation without redress”.
Although, most people still subscribed to the Walter Rodney school of thought on “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” but I have long left that School of thought and concluded that it is no longer how Europe Underdeveloped Africa but rather How Africans undeveloped Africa.  It is shameful and totally unacceptable, all excuses alluded to the underdevelopment and backwardness of Africa by colonialism.
There is no better way to justify the above assertion when in a millennium the Incumbent Governor of my dear State created a colony in a former colonial territory. What a shame!
Nevertheless, prior to the arrival of colonial masters, Nigeria had a functional and effective system of Governance and administrations built on chiefdoms and Kingdoms. History records how you can sell and receive payment for goods in absentia. Moral was high, peaceful coexistence and love for another irrespective of Sex, Religion and creed! This was the situation before the arrival of the colonial masters. At their arrival, they brought religion to us, gave us education through the missionary. However, Slave trade began in a forceful and coercive manner, most of them captured under chain and keys. Fast forward to the Indirect rule system which was a success in the Northern part of the country, and partially successful in the western part but was a failure in the Eastern part due to the acephalous nature of the Igbo race. However, the agitation for self-government and the subsequent Independence of 1960 led to the eventual creation of Kogi State in which Kabba/Bunu Constituency is a Local Government and was a province under the British Colony!  It sad to note that Kabba/Bunu is a caricature of her old self.
We do not need a seer to tell us that Kogi State is a failed state.  It is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that we are at the very last stage of imperialism, considering the fact, that rulers of the confluence state derived their authoritarian stance of governance outside the will of the people. This is the reason behind the lackadaisical attitude of the government to the development of education and the total lack of care for workers welfare and pensioners as well as the nonpayment of salaries.  We must therefore rise as a people to challenge the colonial ways of commerce and industry beyond “Aid” having observed the militarized border patrol of Kogi State, with the chaotic economic activity, agony and misery. It is an incontrovertible fact that the Aid to military is the last stage of neo-colonialism. The consequences will be more fatal if we failed to vote out this evil and satanic reign of terror in Kabba Bunu constituency come 2019.
The danger is that now or later, the weapons of mass destruction supplied as Aids will find their ways into wrong hands in which crime rate of Kidnapping, robbery and violence crime will increase the misery of the people socially and economically.
It is in view of this that I am appealing to the electorates in our dear constituency to vote for Comrade Sheyi Babaeko, the candid candidate for Kogi State House of Assembly, Kabba/Bunu Constituency for overall national development, under the Unity Party of Nigeria (the Party that considers the people’s first). Coupled with the fact that our agenda for the good people of Kabba/Bunu Constituency are Issues driven, development focused, people’s oriented and pragmatically packaged for the benefits of all.
Happy Democracy day to the good people of Kabba/Bunu Constituency!
Think 2019, Tick Unity Party of Nigeria.
– Comrade Sheyi Babaeko

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