Nigerian Politicians and the God-Complex Syndrome

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In Nigeria, many politicians have mastered the art of playing gods. Once elected, they ascend to an imaginary throne, wielding power with an air of invincibility. They forget they are public servants, instead acting as though they are untouchable monarchs, answerable to no one.  

From lavish convoys to grandiose titles, these leaders surround themselves with an aura of divinity, distancing themselves from the very people they swore to serve. Policies are crafted in secrecy, and accountability becomes a foreign concept. The electorate, often left in the dark, is expected to worship and obey without question.  

This god-complex mentality is a dangerous trend, eroding the foundations of democracy. Until Nigerians demand humility and accountability from their leaders, the gap between the governed and the governors will only widen, leaving the nation in a perpetual state of disillusionment.

– Asuku Sufyan Onimisi, PhD writes from Okene.

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