NEWMAP, AURECON Presents Design Concept for Gully Erosion Site in Kogi

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AURECON Consulting, on Wednesday, presented the design concept for one of the eight gully erosion sites where Kogi state government and Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) are intervening in the state.

The presentation, chaired by Kogi State Project Coordinator, Barr. Ladi Ahmed Jatto, offered an insight into the proposed designs by the design consultant with a view to either adopting or modifying the proposed design.

Further to the state government’s desire to tackling the menace of gullies in the Kogi State, draft designs for two other sites earmarked for intervention have been sent to the Federal quality control unit for necessary action.

In attendance were members of the NEWMAP State Steering Committee (SSC) and State Technical Committee (STC) as well as the Federal Project Engineer, Water Resources Specialist at the Federal Project Monitoring Unit (FPMU) and the Assistant Federal Project Engineer.


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