National Inflation and the Pains on Nigerians

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It is no longer a news that the Nigeria economy keep going backward, and things keep getting harder for the vulnerable citizens in the Nation. Nigeria has been experiencing high inflation in recent years, due to factors like rising food prices, the devaluation of the naira, and high energy prices.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to inflation in Nigeria, including food prices.

Food accounts for a large portion of household budgets in Nigeria, and food prices have been increasing due to a number of factors, including bad weather and insecurity.

Devaluation of the naira: The naira has been devalued in recent years, which has made imported goods more expensive and increased the cost of living. >Energy prices: Nigeria is a major oil producer, but the country has been facing challenges with energy production and distribution, which has led to higher energy prices.

Reducing inflation in Nigeria will require a multi-pronged approach, including, Increasing domestic food production. This could be done by investing in agricultural infrastructure and supporting farmers with access to credit and markets.

Diversifying the economy away from oil: This could include investing in other sectors like manufacturing and services, which would reduce the country’s dependence on oil and reduce the impact of energy price fluctuations on the economy. And Curbing inflationary pressures from the government: The government could do this by reducing its budget deficit and limiting its borrowing, which would help to stabilize the value of the naira.

The removal of fuel subsidy in Nigeria is a controversial and complex issue. On the one hand, the fuel subsidy is a major drain on the country’s budget, and removing it could help to reduce the budget deficit and improve the country’s fiscal position. On the other hand, removing the fuel subsidy could lead to a significant increase in fuel prices, which could have a negative impact on the cost of living and inflation. It’s a challenging situation, and there is no easy solution.

The impact of inflation on Nigerians has been significant, including: Increased cost of living: Inflation has pushed up the cost of basic goods and services, making it harder for many Nigerians to afford their daily needs.

Food insecurity: As food prices have increased, many Nigerians have had difficulty affording enough food to eat, leading to increased food insecurity and malnutrition.

And decline in purchasing power: As the value of the naira has declined, many Nigerians have seen their purchasing power decrease, making it harder to afford even basic necessities.

There are a number of steps the Nigerian government could take to help curb inflation, including;

Increasing monetary policy: The Central Bank of Nigeria could increase interest rates to help stabilize the value of the naira and curb inflationary pressures.

Increasing fiscal policy: The Nigerian government could implement fiscal policies, such as cutting spending and increasing taxes, to reduce the budget deficit and help stabilize the economy.

Reducing import tariffs: Reducing tariffs on imported goods could help reduce the cost of goods and services and ease inflationary pressures.

The above listed steps are necessary in curbing inflation in Nigeria.

Suleiman Bashir
Prince Abubakar Audu University, Anyigba, Kogi State.

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