Natasha: The Preferred Candidate for Kogi Central Senate

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“There are candidates and there is candidate” – Philosophical quote.
It had finally dawn on us the Ebiras to separate the chaff from the grains. The up coming 2019 Senate election provides for us another opportunity to choose our true representative devoid of intimidation and administrative coercion. Overtime, Ebira nation have not had the opportunity to freely elect their senate representative except on rare two occasions; in the case of Senator Isa Obaro Abonyi and Senator A T Ahmed (late), that gave us value for our votes. The duo were elected out of true love and sense of responsibility in diligence and service delivery.
Subsequently, what we had was intimidated and forced voting that produced self serving and wasted representatives to the disadvantage of Ebiraland. I can see the similar occurrence  rearing its ugly head come 2019 senate election unless we (Ebira) call a spade a spade and reclaim our future from the political jobbers who believe Ebiraland is Banana Island.
Natasha for sometimes now had been on invitation to some of our prestigious Universities to deliver lectures on ailing Ajaokuta Steel Company and way forward. No wonder she is christened “Woman of Steel”.
The 2019 senate election will definitely expose Ebira to the world on the stuff we are made of either in tolerating imposition and rejecting veteran out of vote selling and mortgage.
The hand writing is clearly on the wall on whom the cap fits to go to senate at the present time of our needs.All are qualify  but some are more qualified than the other. Others can come after Natasha have lead us out of employment and industrial “RECESSION”, through her genuine and selfless struggle and advocacy to revive the moribund Ajaokuta and Itakpe Iron Ore Mining Companies.
Ever before now she has been a sole VOICE  for Anebira in her duties to represent us in all fronts of life. She is not just carrying bow and arrow like others for the purpose of election,no she has been a social change agent, philanthropy and international collaborator against injustice, under-privileged and the physically challenged people in the society.
All these while she uses her hard earned resources for Ebira course and comfort.She has never in any way uses collective common wealth against the people like some others did/doing in some quarters.
Like in our African adage said and I quote; “the wearer of crown doesn’t know how fits it is until he/she looses it”.i pray we(Ebira)should not looses Natasha’s election before we know her worth.
I heard people talking of political structure. Natasha alone is a political party that all Anebira belongs to and a household name that if given opportunity a day born baby will call her name. People outside Natasha political family are clear enemies of Ebira developments and progress. I would not lay course on them but handover them to God and OHIKU ANEBIRA.
Finally, let’s stand against intimidation and vote selling and buying in order to build our future and that of our children’s children.
May Almighty Allah give us the wisdom and courage to do the right thing by voting Barr. Natasha Hadiza Akpoti to Senate come 2019.
– Hon. Onujabe Nasir

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