My Political Journey With The Late Legend Abubakar Audu and Thereafter (Last Part) by Dr. Wokili

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My Critical Advice To Wada For His Swearing In:

You remember the constitutional issue that brewed the controversy whether Wada should be sworn in or not after being declared winner by INEC. There was a legal logjam threatening his ascendancy to power. Wada and I were in communication from my base in Cardiff then. Here was a man that I gave my heart to win the election and there was a real threat that he might not get to the throne. Does that mean God would be doing a half-way job? That is not the Jehovah that I know and serve. God decreed that whoever I gave my heart would win the election! Consequently, I took Wada’s political burden as mine and nothing I could do other than to advise.

In one of my prayerful meditations, God gave me an insight which I communicated immediately via sms to Wada, advising him the steps he should take without further delay. My texted sms to Wada read: “Swear in yourself using any available method and resume office immediately thereafter.” His reply via sms was: “Thank you sir”. My sms was sent in the evening and before afternoon the following day, Wada was not only sworn in as the Executive Governor of Kogi State by the President of the Sharia Court of Appeal in Kogi State, but also resumed office immediately after being sworn in! Then, I knew the man was wise in taking to the critical advice.

Constitutionally, everyone knows that the only authorized official to swear an elected governor into office is the Chief Judge of the State. When an insight comes from God, it may look legally stupid but it works! Everyone knows that without Wada taking that very crucial step with immediate effect, in concert with the sitting governor who incidentally brought him into politics, there was the possibility that the legal complexities could have probably denied him the seat.

My heart was given to Wada to win the election and I therefore reasoned that I had the task and responsibility not to abandon him in the midst of the turbulent political sea, for the simple reason that God’s decree must successfully come to pass for ONLY the Almighty to take all the glory. My deepest joy is not that Wada as a person claimed his victory but that God proved himself to be the really OMNIPOTENT!Turning human impossibilities to possibilities. He is ALmighty indeed!

I wish to warn the reader that the instruction to Wada to swear himself in by whatever method and resume office must NOT be taken as a formula for implementation in future for any similar circumstance. It may lead you to jail! It worked because the instruction was engineered by God Himself who owns the whole world and the hearts of men, who has the exclusive power and prerogative to set aside protocols and laws of men to carry out His Perfect Will. He has the sole power to create the atmosphere for the powers-that-be to peacefully accept His Perfect Will as in the case of Wada. That is why His Name is ALLmighty(Almighty) and never PARTmighty! Our God surely reigns for ever and ever more, Amen.


My Meetings With Wada Throughout His Tenure:

Not more than four meetings that I can remember which took place at his Abuja residence and at the government house. For the records, I neither sought for any form of contract from Wada nor was I offered contract of whatever kind by Wada. I have never collected money for whatever reason from Wada and I was never sponsored by any politician anywhere in the world for my political activism. It has been pure sacrifice all the way!The first time I met him, I remember telling him:

“Your Excellency, this is an opportunity for you to write a lasting legacy for your lineage by embarking on projects and scheme that will benefit the poor and emancipate them. You will like to be re-elected after your first tenure. You will be making the usual grave mistake by trying to satisfy a few vocal and so-called influential ‘Oliver twist’ people in the society at the expense of the poor masses. Rather, you should concentrate your energies to satisfy the generality of Kogites through equitable distribution of resources.”

I found the pre-election Wada to be different from post-election Wada. Our line of communication became fainter by the day till he left office, may be because he was too busy with activities of governance.

The last time I saw him was at the government house and I told him:

“Your Excellency, I have deliberately not come to you to seek for contracts since you assumed office so as to be able to tell you facts as I perceive them. Sir, I do not know what your aids and appointees are telling you. You need a lot of work to do to have good rating of performance from the public. I have nothing to lose by telling you the truth as I perceive it. For example, see the deplorable Lokoja township roads which present the first platform of judgement for anyone passing through Kogi State.”

In fairness to the ex-governor, instead of taking an offence, he explained that efforts were on course to continue the dualization of the roads to terminate at the federal highway leading to Kogi Central and also to raise the elevation of the township roads as antidote to perennial flooding and promised to implement the plan further delay. True to his promise, the dualization of the said road started within 4 weeks after I met with him.


My General Reflections So Far:

Nigerian political variant is a dangerous one. Most politicians with the exception of a few see politics as the easiest and biggest industry of making money and upon which their very breath of life critically depends. Therefore, they will waste no time to unleash mayhem on oppositions who are seen through the same prism for armed robbers and assassins. They will strife to achieve the objective by whatever means at their disposal – both physical and spiritual.

The Nigerian administrative system is dysfunctional and encourages all vices by rewarding evil and exterminating righteousness. Structural administrative changes need to be in place by making institutions strong and independent and not individuals being institutions with wide discretionary powers. The earnings and allowances of the legislators and executives are prohibitive which serve as the magnetic forces that attract charlatans and misfits to contest elections in the first place.

Political appointments and offices at all levels in Nigeria must be made unattractive by drastically scaling down their pecks of office in other to woo people of integrity whose aim is solely focused in changing the values and norms of governance for emancipation of the poor and reign of justice and equity across the board. Those who want wealth should remain in business and not in government. Governance is meant for positive changers dispensing justice, fairness and equity to all ALL tribes, religions and nationalities without fear or favour and who loathe corruption to the core.


Why All These Narratives?

For any system to develop and advance, be it technological, political, economic or business, there must be a body of literature on the system for continued refinement through sieving of ideas for guidance in the quest to achieve the set objectives of development. My narratives to the best of my knowledge, is the first of its kind on Kogi Central and Kogi State politics ( I stand to be corrected please) where an individual details his political journey and experiences for political knowledge development.

I have no doubt that every inquisitive mind who has read all the 5 parts of these narratives learnt one lesson or the other, including the writer himself. It is also informative and serves as an eye opener to those who desire to enter politics. I am not naïve that these epistles could be developed and expanded into a book for commercialization through launching.

In that case, the scope of readers will be limited thereby defeating the very purpose for these narratives, hence, the decision to publish for free reading and dissemination and sharing of political ideas and experiences. There is no better time for the deployment of the lessons learnt by the readers than this time because of the preparations for political activism by all Nigerians.

I hereby affirm and reaffirm that these were written to the best of my knowledge and memory without any wilful misrepresentation of facts and events. I have obligations to God and NOT man! The contents were never intended to denigrate the personality and integrity of any character – who am I to ever contemplate that in the first instance? Rather they are truthful narratives of what transpired intended for everyone to learn lessons and corporately develop robust and progressive political norms.

Whatever may be your political leanings, continue to be law abiding and respect constituted authorities. NOBODY enters power at any level of governance in the world without the knowledge of God, though may be God’s permissive will and not His perfect will for God to achieve a set purpose!

Eternal gratitude to all my supporters whether known and unknown to me. Multitudes are out there who have no access to me, I wish to assure you that your prayers worked, if not I could have been in the tomb by now. Credit goes to all my supporters, not me,  who toiled with me on the filed – may God bless you all. Most importantly, how can I thank God enough for His mercies and protection! If my whole body is made with mouths only and I continue to say ‘that you till eternity’, can I ever thank Him enough? Certainly no! Glory to the Holy Trinity in Christ Jesus!!

I wish all the readers the best of health and God presence in all your undertakings in Christ Jesus. Merry Christmas in advance to all, in and out of government!

– Dr. Moses Wokili

Parts 1,2,3& 4 from

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