Like Other Times

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Like other times in the past, the assemblage of past political office kleptomaniacs are getting ready to seek for- more plundering avenues. “How do I know this?” I hear you say. “the signs are always the same. whenever you see them eating corn on the streets, sharing money to market women…be rest assured that the hour is near to deceive the unsuspecting populace.”

I am displeased to spew it out but truth is; Nigeria is in a revolve. The sanity of any progressive nation is enshrined in her ability to leap away from primitive methodology into a much more grandeur practice of modernization. Sadly, Nigeria, with all of its enormous human and mineral resources have been unable to get it right.

Amongst other reasons, our glaring failure makes it uninteresting and unappealing to identify once self as a Nigerian…I mean, who enjoys writing about bad leadership? Certainly, only a sadist would glory in the wretch of his root. Every Nigerian understands the norms; the act of bribery, the play of ethnicity, the religious play card, gross inefficiency…Most, if not all, grew up believing that unless you bend the right, there is never going to be a headway. I am implying that, for most Nigerians, success simply means; learning the art and act of corrupt practices. To do so, is to take on the garment of fraud and put off the garment of honesty.

About Nigeria’s statement, I think that it is a leadership/followership thing. After all, leaders emerge from following. It is the people who knowingly and unknowingly suggest the ” how-to-do” of any given leader. Yes, they are known as cabal, immediate family members, friends and more. I have had the opportunity to serve as a leader in my chosen career. I had sane principles and wanted to do the right thing. However, those wishes of mine were thwarted and dwarfed not by those from afar rather, it was conceived by those from within. They are the ones who help you to pay your bills on the guise of kindness. Turns out, they only wanted to rope me in. Leadership is a complex seat. Perhaps, it is not that Nigeria has never had good leaders- Leadership is a complex seat.

Shall we talk about our many man-made misfortunes and brutal living? Once I read a tweet that says; Nothing is safe over here. All forms of transportation have become properties of Bandits. Oh yes, they own them all. Take a look at Lokoja and you’d find tons of dirt piled up on highways. in places such as Kabawa, Natako…The government didn’t liter the place. But it is the responsibility of the government to give the capital city a facelift. Both the people and the government have continued to miss it.

– Olayinka Kayode Kingsley writes from Asaba, Delta State.

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