When the federal government decided to privatize the power sector, the idea was to boost efficiency and supply of electricity just like the telecoms sector where remarkable feats in access and penetration were recorded.
The joy of most Nigerians was short-lived when the privatization exercise turned out to be mirage, thus throwing the entire country into darkness never experienced before the privatization of the sector.
The Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) in particular, is turning to be the worst DISCO in the whole country. It has failed in its sole responsibility of providing electricity to its consumers across the states under its franchise.
The entire Kogi State most especially, Lokoja, the state capital is worst hit. The company refuses to explain to the people why they must continue to experience uninterrupted darkness despite sending them electricity bills every month.
The non-availability of power has affected many small-scale industries like barbing salons, pepper grinding; it has also affected the supply of water to many houses.
Interestingly, one of the states under the Abuja Disco – Niger State, is blessed with three major hydropower stations, yet electricity is also not available to the state and its people.
AEDC should rise to its responsibilities like other DISCOs who are at least striving to meet the yearnings of their teeming consumers.
If the situation does not improve, we would not mind calling our amiable governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello to relocate Kogi State to a more efficient Disco.
– Bala Nayashi,
Lokoja, Kogi State.