Let’s Unite and Rebel Against Violence, Extremism

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99.9% of politicians in the world are not worth bargaining talk for, talk more of quarreling and exchanging blows for their sake or even to the extent of carrying sword, guns, arrows, bottles and all dangerous arms to hit ourselves. But it’s very hypocritical that some youths are so gullible to had allowed themselves to be recruited as violence instrumental in the hands of this cabals damaging us instead of protecting us.

Another election season is here and political gladiators are up in the sphere, plotting means to gain ground. It is disheartening that more of violence, rivalry, rancor and frivolities are in higher record instead of strategic and intellectual politicking.

It is of public concern that we rise unanimously to kick against this uncertainties, because blood birth and massacre is defiling the sacred nature of our land, subjecting us to abject poverty and public outcry for hardship, and untimely death.

The soul of our heroes past is restless for they fought for freedom, they fought for a brotherhood nation where we live by each others happiness not where we deceive, steal and kill ourselves.

I am Musa Abbas, I am a humanitarian paradigm and a lover of peace and tranquility, I have respect for our democracy and fundamental human right. I am concerned about lives and properties so I will not relent in my quest for peace. Standing alone in this course  may take a long time to achieve it well, but if we unite in our collective manners the result will be vigorous and drastic.

– Musa Abbas

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