KSU Management’s Position On The Appointment of Stephen Ikani Ocheni As A Professor

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Management’s position  on the appointment of  Stephen Ikani Ocheni’ as a Professor of Public Sector Accounting (Kogi State University (KSU), Anyigba. 

In the last few weeks, we have read in some online dailies and other social media platform, some adverse comments as it relates to the appointment of Professor S. I. Ocheni as a Professor.   It has become very necessary that we react to put the misleading issues in  proper perspective.

Kogi State University, Anyigba has always respected due process in the appointment of its functionaries, and other duties for that matter.
It should be stated in clear terms that the procedure used in appointing Professor S. I Ocheni was the same as that used in appointing other Professors in the University.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is important  to state the following facts:
1. K.S.U has always recruited from time  to time  to meet  its accreditation requirements. In its  bid to meet one of such requirements,  the Vice Chancellor received an application from the then Dr S. I Ocheni  for appointment as a Professor. In line with the due process procedure, the application was minuted to the Dean of Management Sciences in the Faculty of Management Sciences for comments.  The Dean positively recommended the application.
2. The  Vice Chancellor  constituted  a prima facie  Panel  comprising  the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Admin), Professor Z. Apata as Chairman,  three  other  Professors,  representative  of  the  Registrar  and Establishments  Officer, (SS) who served  as  Secretary.  The panel  interviewed  Dr Ocheni  to the position of  Professor  and Dr H Iwarere  as Reader.  The  interview  was  conducted  on 26th , September 2013.  Dr  Ocheni  scored  a  total  of 72.5 and was found  appointable  as a  Professor  subject  to  positive External  Assessment  of  his  scholarly  publications.
3. In the  interim  he was appointed  as a Senior  Lecturer on CONUAS 5/13.    He accepted  the  offer  and  assumed  duties  on 17th October,  2013.    His publications  were  sent  to  three  External  Assessors (out of the six submitted by the Faculty)  in three  different  Universities  all of whom  are Chartered  Accountants.   All the  Assessors  returned  positive  verdicts  on Professor  S I Ocheni.
4. Between  19th and 21st May,  2014, the Appointments and  Promotions  Committee  considered  the  report  and  recommended  the  appointment  of  the  then Dr S I Ocheni  as a Professor.
5. The  Governing  Council   during  its  37th regular meeting held  on 22nd May, 2014 considered  and approved  the  appointment  of  the  then  Dr  S I Ocheni  as a   Professor.
6. Kogi  State  University in its  existence  of  close  to two  decades  has  been  blessed  by Leaders of repute,  excellence  and  integrity  who always  acted according  to  the  rule  of  Law.  As an institution  that  is grounded  in  due process,  when the  University  Management  received a  petition from ASUU   that  Professor  Ocheni  does  not  possess  a PhD  degree  the  then  Vice Chancellor, Professor Hassan Isah, immediately  directed  the  verification  of  the  Certificate.  The  Secretary  of  the  School  of  Postgraduate  Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) confirmed in her   letter  dated 12th February, 2015 that he obtained  PhD in Public Administration (with specialization in Financial Management) from  their  Institution  in March 2004.
7. On insinuation  that  he was  given  a tenured  appointment  when  he  was  already  above  fifty  years  of  age,  we wish  to  affirm that  by a letter  dated 26th  November,  2013 his services  was transferred  from  the  Federal  Civil Service Commission  to Kogi State University, which  was  accepted.
We have decided to provide a simple explanation so that the public can be properly guided.   We also wish  to assure our Alumni, Students and their parents  that  their confidence  should  remain  unshaken as we would never  do  anything  that  will  lower  our standard.  To us in Kogi State University, Anyigba, due process has always been the hallmark of our administration in all circumstances.
We wish to therefore urge the public to disregard the faceless online publication making round with the sole aim to tarnishing the hard earned reputation garnered by the Kogi State University, Anyigba over the years.
– Dr. Y. I. Abubakar    
Registrar and Secretary to Council

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