The state called Kogi is under serious strain and if it is to survive it needs a leader that has the integrity, trust, patriotism, and a positive experience to lead. That servant must be selfless; firm
but decent; talented not an intellectual; a person that has seen through a life of despair and yet hope; an achiever and a team player; a person with the vision to take the state out of the deep seas of trouble brought about by an uncaring leadership in Lugard house, consequently the yearning for CHANGE in Kogi state following a 16-year monopoly.
Beyond mobilising citizens, leading campaigns/rallies and using the media to drive conversation, Kogi needs our passionate and sustained prayers, its future looks so bleak. It looks so dark, One can hardly see any logical pathway to change. We have spent several years giving the past and present
government the benefit of the doubt, willing it to succeed. Yet each time it failed, We certainly need a government that will be at variance with the current failed administration under Wada.
Things have to CHANGE.
It is this view that I, like other well meaning Kogites strongly hold, that I wish to comment on the mature leadership qualities of Engineer Olusola G Olumoroti, a leader per excellence that has been described by numerous political, traditional, and religious leaders, as well as writers and general masses as a transparent, honest, hard working and performance oriented leader. I might add that at no time in the history of this state have such rare qualities of a leader so needed than today, after living through hell and knowing what alternative leadership can bring to Kogi.
I have invested faith that OGO will be different, not just because he is my kinsman, but because I have been privileged to sit in the same space with him, I have listened very carefully to his wisdom and his depth. I have counted the cost and I have overwhelmed faith that he is the leader we need. Here is a man who is deeply dedicated to salvage his wounded state and people. We, and he
thankfully, know this: he cannot play with our future. OGO had gone into the rough and tumbles of politics, visiting all the three regions of Kogi in previous campaign modes and seeing first hand
for himself the suffering and stresses the populace go through on daily basis and with that knowledge in hand he vowed solemnly and publicly to be a candidate for CHANGE. What a leader! What a true democrat!
Engineer Olumoroti is a qualified champion and defender of democracy on behalf of all of us that care for democracy.
Here is a man who is still speaking out his mind over ill modalities in the state when others have remained mute. In this Engineer Olumoroti, more than any leader today stands to represent our voice and freedom of expression. Here is a man that believes the power to elect a leader rests
with the electorate when those touted to enter the governorship race with him believe you can either use the power of incumbency, money or brutal force to grab power and keep it We cry for this state, because it has failed us too many times. Workers work their fingers to the bones (Earning Low/Part/No pay), our ‘bloods’ have boiled because we believe in its potential hence, I make bold to say the cause OGO is leading us may end up creating yet another revolution of a kind. Who knows?
True, many of those politicians that we know are thoroughly corrupt, but it must be stated in fairness
there are some among them that are not and Engineer Olumoroti and others of his caliber are our beacons of hope. We surely need a leader of his stature to succeed; a leader that has Faith and
audacity to face challenges; and one that has no fear but the fear of God, Almighty.
I know no one at this time that can do better and take the country safely and gloriously to success than the Kabba born philanthropist.
Our hearts are broken, our spirits burdened. We desperately need the promised change, and we need it to start immediately. Kogi has suffered enough.It needs and deserves a leader it can trust. A leader that is strong and visionary; he is strong not because he is stubborn but he has tenacity to get through the most difficult of circumstances the office and duties the governor require. Kogi needs a
can do leader, a listener, a team leader, and a high achiever because the numerous years since our creation had been wasted through greed and graft by the most unqualified to move the state
forward. Instead new and great ideas were often abandoned midstream while another bunch of new ones came into play; it was like a merry-go round without achieving much. If we have courage to
practice real democracy one would hope we have finally landed on the promised land of great opportunities. The truth is we are still far from those democratic ideals and practices that can give a state both promises and realities of success.
And Kogi just like any other state in this country has the God given talents to work and explore workable solutions and ideas we can harness to reach our destination, not destruction. That is why a visionary, strong, trustful and dynamic leader as governor is needed the more this time around.
The forthcoming elections will perhaps be the most eventful this state will face; it is also one that in my view may make or mar the state. Only time will tell!
– Balogun Emmanuel Funsho,
President Okun Student’s Union (2014/2015), University Of Ilorin Chapter, Ilorin.