Kogi West 2015: How Far Can Sam Aro Go Without A God-Father?

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The role of god-fathers cannot be over-emphasized in Nigeria politics with examples of Olusola Saraki of Kwara, Ahmadu Ali and Ibrahim Idris of Kogi State, the Uba of Anambra, T.Y. Danjuma of Taraba, Tinubu of Lagos etc.

Aside the strong and wide political structures, these god-fathers also boast of a strong financial war-chest that can turn stones to bread politically.

A review of the three major candidates jostling for Kogi west senate seat; Smart Adeyemi (Atari Ajanaku) of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Dino Melaye of All Progressive Congress (APC) and Samuel Aro of Accord Party, one will notice that their chances of winning may depend largely on roles of god-fathers.

Smart Adeyemi, a.k.a Atari Ajanaku has a formidable god-father in Bashorun Jide Omokore, the billionaire oil magnate. Omokore’s wealth is so huge that not a few politicians who wish to fight him engage reverse gear when they see the power of money at play. The outcome of the last PDP senate primaries in Kogi west is a testimony of the enormity and efficacy of Omokore’s  fabulous wealth. PDP delegates would had earlier sworn to vote against Omokore’s anointed candidate, Smart Adeyemi, all made a sharp u-turn when they hot cash was dangled. Omokore’s huge funds was enough to over-run the wishes of leaders like Gen Tunde Ogbeha, Prince Akanmode, Gen Jemibewon, Chief Sam Akande and a host of other PDP big-wigs who were against the third term bid of Smart Adeyemi. Omokore single-handed flushed out the infamous political group referred to as ‘Ibro Family’ from their various political offices in Kogi west during the 2011 general elections. With is avowed support for Smart Adeyemi, pundits vote Smart as the most likely to emerge victorious in the forthcoming senate election.

Dino Melaye, the anti-corruption crusader is being backed by a well known political grandmaster in Kogi State, Prince Abubakar Audu. Audu, who had ruled the state twice as governor is a formidable politician. Like Omokore, Audu can also boast of a large financial war-chest that can be deployed for electoral success. Audu single-handedly preserved the APC senate ticket for Dino against all permutations and protests. Audu’s wide political structures might have waned badly over the years but he is a crafty politician who always benefit from PDP crisis. 80% of politicians he gifted with APC tickets are PDP ‘rejectees’.

Samuel Aro, though a successful businessman, is a ‘political orphan’. No notable god-father can be associated with Sam Aro. This must have been responsible for the way he was treated in PDP and later APC. Pundits wonder how Aro will muster enough resources to face the money-bags that are backing Smart and Dino. It is a contemporary ‘David vs Goliath’ political contest. The impact of money is very huge in all elections and one is yet to see how Aro can muster enough resources to match these affluent god-fathers. Can a politically fatherless Aro make much impact in this race? His belief has always been that it is the people, not money that makes a political party and that it is people, not money that form the electorates that will vote during elections. Will that be enough for Sam Aro in these days of ‘Stomach Infrastructure’?

– Abereoran writes from Lokoja

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