Kogi State: Safest For Christmas and New Year by Promise Emmanuel

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Global terrorism index shows that the spate of terrorist attacks in Nigeria has crashed by 40%, this may provide the foundation for the Nigerian government assuming a “technical defeat” against the Bokoharam terrorist group. Although, Daily Trust investigation shows that  over 1,100 deaths have been recorded after the “technical defeat” declaration from terrorist attacks, showing the growing complex nature of routing out terrorists for total decimation.( https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/boko-haram-kills-1-100-since-being-technically-defeated.html).
 The guerrilla war-fare strategy of these terror militias involves them wearing civil faces to integrate i to the society, perpetrating mayhem while posing difficulty for military confrontation.
What is also wrong?
According to Amnesty International,  there’s a chain of about 850million illegal firearms recycling within West Africa,  that explains the domesticated illegal arms in the arms of security saboteurs like: Terrorist groups,  political militias, cult groups and Fulani herdsmen. The proliferation of illegal firearms and it’s distribution is a livewire to insecurity in the country.
Security intelligence reports suggests the northwards slope of security volatility during mass-celebrations of festivities.  In the case of December,  there’s a Christmas and New Year to worry about.
What makes Kogi state Safe?
Amongst the states designated by foreign intel instructions to expatriates living in Nigeria,  Kogi State escaped security volatility due to the consolidated gains she is making in security.
History of security model:
According to the apex security watch group in Nigeria,  in the month of August, Kogi State reported crime rate in Nigeria crashed to o.65%. Which is significantly nonexistent. In interpretation,  we had a little above 161 reported crimes in a population of over 4.3million people.  These are some of the reasons for such progress of “what’s next”, which should also be adopted by other states in Nigeria.
– Demolition of Bokoharam returnee remnant-cells in some parts of Central parts of Kogi State, where 51% of all the crimes committed in Kogi State are domesticated.
-Whistleblower Policy on Security reports for kidnappers,  cultists, terrorists, armed robbers and other forms social vices that makes adequate security interlocutors susceptible to vulnerability.
– Demolition and incarceration of Kidnappers and their House-keeps have provided security relief after a State Assembly law provides for outright demolition to houses habited by Kidnappers,  destruction of their properties,  etc. This is more psychological.  It sends a stronger message to their elite sponsors and ring leaders.
– Purchase of over 160 patrol vehicles as counterpart assistance to the national security outfit working in the state.
– Security cohesion amongst security agencies as: The Nigerian Army, The Navy, The Civil Defense Corps and The Nigerian Police Force all working as a “unitary” command structure benefiting from the same intelligence and implementation.
-Clearing of the Highways by 20meters stretch on each sides of the road to prevent hoodlums from laying siege on unsuspecting drivers. The clear sight has improved night travels and reduced the impact of ambush-robberies on Kogi Highways as drivers can see far into the roads.
– Creation of 15km peremeter road blocks across the Highways for full psychological presence of security that creates emotional safety for road users.
– Revival of a 2012 act of State Assembly Establishing the Kogi state Vigilante Group. This group have been armed, geared and given modern security trainings to serve as chiefs of local policing, while collecting and providing intelligence for the national security architecture for implementation.
– De-radicalisation of Cult Groups and their gangs by creating social and political mechanism of arresting inter-cult-clashes while clamping down on cult uprisings.
– The recent cabinet reshuffle which was a “minor” shake according to analysts who expect more in the coming months shows that the Governor has a workable template on the “sustenance” of the security template in Kogi State by transferring the Former Special Adviser on Security,  Commander Jerry Omodara to Head the State Vigilante group.  This move shows proactive understanding of the security challenges in the state which can only be arrested by  Local Policing,  as the vigilantes know the criminal elements more than the national security outfits.
– Charging of Traditional Rulers to take charge of their domains, while also cautioning Local Government administrators of depose if issues of communal clashes are left without proactive responses.
-Incorporation of the Fulani Herdsmen into the traditional councils in presenting a representative for key decision making in the local communities of their habitation: this decision has been the most criticised with tension rising.  I agree, because the precedent set by Fulani Herdsmen Vs Farmer crisis has created a state of distrust amongst Nigerians. However,  you would also agree that the nature of disputes between herdsmen residing in different communities ranges.  In Kogi State, we have enjoyed a relatively harmonious relationship.  Owing to the fact that Kogi is also a centrally located state, one cannot ban herdsmen from transiting with their cattle to other parts of Nigeria, in that mien, a homegrown solution is more appropriate.  The representative in the local councils are to present their challenges and also report council decisions back to their own herdsmen villages.
Those who still believe in the Nigerian dream would understand that we ought to create a nucleus of unity in preserving our national ethos of “living in diversity” and tolerance.  Kogi state indigenes are tolerant and peaceful,  we hop to also benefit from this natural gift of our people.
There’s been reported cases of politically motivated cases of assassinations in recent time, a prominent reason is while sometime last  month,  North Central Kogi State was on a dusk to dawn curfew which proved useful as over 30 suspected hoodlums were routed from the proactive approach.  This proves that Kogi State has a workable intelligence gathering mechanism that works towards “prevention and activation of security plans” which makes Kogites safe during this yelutide.
Conclusively,  security is linked to economic viability.  Economic viability is for the survival of the society,  it therefore means security is the responsibility of everyone.  What length can you go to assist Government with intels?
Do you also know that the first tier of security is yourself?  The security threat quotient in every human makes them security conscious to their environments.  Be security conscious.  The Government through their apex efforts have made Kogi state safe by 80%, it doesn’t mean insecurity would be halted,  because humans won’t stop perpetrating criminal vices, but you can choose to contribute to the chain by not being part of insecurity.
– Promise Emmanuel (Kogi Rebel)

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