Kogi Gov’ship: Okakanda Embarks on Door-to-Door Campaign in Orietesu, 3 Other Wards for Ododo

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In a continuous effort to earn more grassroots support and mobilise eligible voters for the gubernatorial candidate of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Alhaji Ododo Ahmed  Usman, the Special Adviser to the Governor of Kogi State on Domestic Affairs, Hon. Abdulrazaq Aminu (Okakanda) with his entourage interfaced with Orietesu Ward executives in the spirit of synergy and also stormed three additional wards in Okene LGA of Kogi State.

The campaign engagement took the Special Adviser, his Forum, and other party stakeholders across various communities and polling units in Orietesu Ward, and some parts of Idoji, Onyukoko, through Otutu Ward, all in Okene (I)

Speaking to reporters at the event, Hon Okakanda said the purpose of his visit was to charge the party executives to be resolute in their responsibilities, canvassed eligible voters to vote for the APC candidate and further sensitize the people on why they should put thumbprints for Alh. Ododo in the November 11th  Governorship election.

He said, “Judging by APC candidate’s track record who is the former Local Government Auditor General, one can unarguably say he is a man capable of moving the state forward and act to the hypes and admiration of the people of kogi state

While speaking to guide the people to make a better choice and be firm with it, Hon Okakanda noted that The New Direction administration of Governor Bello has done wonderfully well and it requires a man like Alh Ododo to continue on that same platform for consolidation that will usher in a greater Kogi State.

The Chairman of the APC Party Executives in Orietesu Ward, Adayi Onusagba while speaking, welcomed and commended Hon. Okakanda for his efforts. He said Okakanda has become a household name in the ongoing Ododo Movement for Governor, revealing that his magnanimity to the people is beyond measure and not limited to his ward but across Ebiraland entirely.

He further praised his strategy, agreeing that such would not only help in winning Bulk Votes in Orietesu but across the state if other stalwarts imitate him and replicate the same strategy in their respective areas.

The Orietesu GYB Coordinator, Comr. Bello Achika Momohjimoh eulogised Hon. Okakanda for his dedication to the Ododo Movement. He added that he has demonstrated the spirit of a true and trusted lieutenant of Governor Bello and he has no doubt that by now, Governor Bello would have regarded him as one of his confidants simply because he has brought himself closer to the grassroots and making people to have a taste of dividends of democracy on behalf of the Governor.

The Special Adviser who is also a key member of Contact and Mobilization and as well Inter-Party Relation Committee in the Kogi State campaign council for the forthcoming Governorship election told the people that it has become his priority to make contacts and mobilize people to vote for ProgressiveCongress. He stressed that his mission is not only to make Alh. Ododo win, but to dislodge the Tribal Agenda Lords from the State.

The Door to Door Campaign trail also visited the graveyard of the late Sheikh Ahmad Rufai and Senator A.T. Ahmed on Ziyarra in Onyukoko Ward. Okakanda said when they were alive, their only commitment was progress for Ebiraland, he prayed to them on similar ground and invoked Allah’s blessing to Make Alh. Ododo the next Governor of Kogi State with the optimism that he will add to that progress in Ebiraland.

Former Okene Vice Chairman, The Taarus, Ward Heads, and other forces in the area also commended the Special Adviser for his giant stride towards the movement of Ododo. They said he is only only given little and he has proven his capacity beyond expectations, noting that he is only preparing himself for a bigger position as they are optimistic he will be an eye of Alh Ododo’s administration at the grassroots when the time comes.

In her remarks, the Orietesu Ward Women Leader, Madam Sabdat gave credit to Hon. Okakanda for his good deeds, and further beseeching for more support for the women in the Ward to be self-reliant.

In a separate remarks a representative of the Igbo Community in Kogi Central, Mr Sunday Udeh admitted to have fallen in love with Governor Bello. He said peace is priceless and Gov Bello has brought peace, unity and a secure state. 

He confessed that he is boastful that the Igbos know the value of Governor Bello’s Administration than any other person because they experienced the boost in their business, hence they have resolved to vote for Ododo come 11th November.

Other notable personalities at the event were the Orietesu Ward Secretary, Hon. Mauzu Kabiru, Hon. Alh. Ohida Siyaka, Comr. Momohsanni Onuvajo and Comr. Ishaq Bello. They noted the track records of Governor Bello of which Alh. Ododo was a key player are matchless, adding that Alh. Ododo has captured the aspirations of the youth and women in his manifesto, which is very inclusive with a promise to continue to secure the future of all Kogites. They assured Hon. Okakanda that they would deliver the ward in bulk to Alh. Ododo Ahmed Usman and his deputy, Comr Joel Oyibo Salifu.

Highlight of Hon. Okakanda’s grassroot engagements yesterday was the separate and strategic meeting he had with the APC Excos, where they unanimously passed a vote of confidence on him with assurance of deepening their door-to-door sensitisation for Alhaji Ododo Ahmed Usman and his Deputy, Comrade Joel Oyibo Salifu.

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