Kogi Commissioner Urges Students to Learn Practical Skills

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By Stephen Adeleye.

The Kogi Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Rosemary Osikoya, on Wednesday advised students to learn practical skills in order to add value to the society.

Osikoya gave the advice when she visited some schools in Yagba East and Kabba/Bunu Local Government Areas of Kogi, to monitor the ongoing Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for Junior Secondary School (JSS) in the state.
Speaking to the students of Oke-Oyi Science Secondary School, Ponyan, and African Church/YELGEA School 1, Bagido, Isanlu, the commissioner encouraged them to go and learn practical skills of their choice during their next holiday.
She noted that some of the students would be 18 before finishing their SS3 to become full adult, saying, “if you are 18 and you are not earning an income, you are a liability to yourself, parents and the society.
“At age 18, you should be able to provide food for yourself, have your own income in addition to your education.
“Don’t become a liability, play your part by learning a skill and cultivate the attitude of solving societal problems; that is the kind of leaders we want. The right time to start is now!
“Learn to bake a cake, plating of hair, welding, mechanic, carpentry, fashion design, among others; learn practical skills to be self-reliant.”
“For us to make progress as a nation and as a people, education is the most important sector because it is education that drives development in every other field.
“There is nothing you can be in life without education, even as a farmer, education is required to have full farm yields. As students, you have opportunities to make Kogi State better,” Osikoya advised.
The commissioner, therefore, promised that Kogi Government would reward the overall best performing student in the ongoing Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) across the state.
She urged the relevant stakeholders to collaborate with government by taking ownership of schools in terms of infrastructure, equipment among others, saying “we must priotise the quality of education in our society.”
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the commissioner had earlier visited the office of the Area Education Evaluator, and the Ministry’s Custodian in Kabba/Bunu LGA.
She stressed the need to keep proper records of all schools and students, total number of registered students for each subject, and transmit same to the ministry for proper planing and to strengthen the institutional memory.

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