Kabba People, The Obaro Institution And The Making Of Obaro Owoniyi

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By Adebayo Akah.


KABBA Land is renown as Oweland and its people Owe people. Kabba, headquarters of the then Kabba Province is situated on latitude 07.5 oN and longitude 06o E in Kogi State, Nigeria. For better understanding, Kabba is an ancient town generally taken as headquarters of the Okun speaking people; the Yorubas in Kogi State.

Kabba people speak a Yoruba dialect known as Owe which means proverb. Owe was originally the name given to Oba Ajakaiye-father of the three brothers who migrated from Ile-Ife to establish Kabba about 750 years ago, according to oral source.

The three brothers were known as Aro, Reka and Balaja. On arrival at their new domain after several other settlements, the trio established Katu, Kabba and Odolu. These names, which are according to their seniority, stemmed out of the description of the names they gave their settlements.

History disclosed that the eldest of the trio; Aro headed Katu, Reka who followed headed Kabba while their youngest one, Balaja headed Odolu. Later, the three settlements developed into one entity they are jointly called Oweland and constitute the three ruling groups.

Though for a long time, the settlements existed distinct of one another but a lot of political and economic activities as well as family bondage made them merge into one unit with Kabba settlement as centre.

Each group through procreation developed into lineages that formed a total of 13 clans with three from Katu, six from Kabba and four from Odolu. Undoubtedly, every lineage or clan has land, worship same deity known as Ebora and has its praise name in which one or the other Obaro, Obadofin or Obajemu had once reingned in Kabba is embedded. The 13 lineages, therefore, have unfettered access to the Obaro stool.

Traditionally and at inception, Kabba was ruled by a-three-tiered body of Chiefs also known as the Ololus who are Obaro, Obadofin and Obajemu. Each of the three is a three-titled chief but the Obaro is the first among equal and spokesman for the kingdom. It is the responsibilities of the three to maintain law and order as well as guide and guard the people on spiritual matters as well as delegate functions to the people.

Following the Ololus in hierarchy are the Orota title holders who are two titled chiefs. The Orotas are headed by Obani, who is one of the kingmakers at the demise of an Obaro. The Orotas are advisers to the Ololus and assist in the running of the kingdom’s affairs.

There are also the Igemos who are one titled chiefs. They have the mandate of executing the decisions and policies of the Ololus. Below the Igemos are the Gbarufus meaning the masses, who have not taken any title. This was the order of things before the advent of colonial rule.

Accession to Obaro stool began to witness crisis during the Nupe warriors’ invasion of Okun land when they came at the time the Ilajo lineage of Kabba Royal Group was on throne. They had thought the stool was hereditary to only a lineage and had helped in perpetuating the lineage on throne for almost about four times in succession. The Nupe invaders did this for easy collection of tax and human raiding as prevalent then. To borrow from Chinua Achebe’s There was a Country, this was where the rain began to beat Kabba people.

 The British imperialist also contributed. In a bid to enhance the British indirect rule system around the 20th Century in Kabba, the Britons accorded the Obaro stool the status of a District Head like the Emirs in Emirates and Obas in Yoruba Kingdoms.

With this new status, the Obaro was paid salary more than Obadofin and Obajemu who were his equals in Owe culture and political arrangements. In view of their way of founding Kabba, any one from the 13 lineages aspiring to the Obaro stool must be a male adult, an initiate of Ebora deity and must have taken the Orota or Igemo chieftaincy titles. On ascending the throne, he can reside anywhere in the kingdom as there is yet to be a common palace like in Ile-Ife, Oyo, Sokoto, Kano and other ancient towns. The 13 lineages or clans jointly confer the Obaro title like other titles.

It is to be pointed out that at the demise of an Obaro, the Obadofin becomes the Regent who constitutes a council with the Obajemu and Obani to be the kingmakers. The regency declares a three month of mourning. The selection process is set in motion after the burial of a deceased Obaro. This includes consultation of the oracle.

Application to the throne of Obaro including giving of notice of candidature to each of the three kingmakers and payment of a variable but non-refundable fee to each of the kingmakers, heads of Katu, Kabba, Odolu and the Omoodo groups in Owe Land; according to tradition.

Thereafter, the next step shifts to Okuta Okule – a hill in the suburb of Owe land where three meetings are held to select a new Obaro. When finally made, the kingmakers kept the choice to their chests to all except to the successful candidate who only got informed a day to the official day of announcement. As of then, the successful candidate was presented a special leopard skin on the hill to indicate that he was the Obaro-elect.

The coast is then clear for the Obaro-elect to start the process of taking the Ololu title which begins on an Odogi Market Day. The Obaro–elect presents himself before the Obadofin, Obajemu and the Obani or a senior Orota title holder.

He drops his personal name and adopts a new name to go with the Obaro title. On such a day, qualified citizens willing to take up chieftaincy titles of Igemo or Orota, take it up.

Having gone through the fulfillment of all these traditional requirements, the state government duly informed then officially announces the appointment of the Obaro-elect.

And so history was made when on July 19, 2018, Kogi State Government under the able leadership of His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, doused the latent anxiety of Owe people and pronounced Chief Solomon Dele Owoniyi, a retired high ranking Customs officer as the Obaro-elect. He is a Prince from the Ijemu lineage of Odolu Royal Group.

The pronouncement, according to Owe people, was welcomed with accolades and joy, as well as raining in Kabba which ushered in a clement weather. The rain, according to the people, was an indication that Oba Owoniyi’s reign will be peaceful. About 42 Obaros from the three groups of Katu, Kabba and Odolu have so far reigned in Oweland.

Since the last Obaro, Oba Michael Olobayo joined his ancestors early in 2016, precisely on May 16th, Kabba people have held their breath in their mouths in view of the crisis that erupted in 1985 due to the protest that accompanied his accession to the throne.

It was not easy all the way for Chief Owoniyi during the processes leading to his choice and announcement by the state government as the Obaro-elect as no fewer than six contestants from within and outside his royal group also vied for the exalted throne. But destiny has its way and the rest is history.

The New Obaro

Chief Solomon Dele Owoniyi was born about six (or there-about) decades ago into the family of Mr. & Mrs. Owoniyi at the ancient city of Ile-Ife in the present day Osun State. He started his Primary School Education there in 1964 and later moved to Saint Andrew’s Primary School, Egbeda, Kabba Kogi State in 1966 where he got his first School Leaving Certificate in 1970.

In 1971, he proceeded to Ijumu Anglican Secondary School, Iyara Kogi State and graduated in 1975. In the same year, he got admitted into the Jos Campus of the University of Ibadan for his preliminary studies. In 1976, as result of changes in the institution; himself and many other undergraduate students were moved to Ibadan, the mother campus where he graduated with a degree in History in 1979.

During his undergraduate as a result of his love to serve his community at a tender age, he became the National President of Kabba Students’ Union, in 1978 where he served with zeal and passion. He is married and the marriage is blessed with wonderful children. He participated in the one year compulsory National Youth Service Corps Scheme in Niger State.

Immediately after his service due to his hardworking and diligence, heaven smiled on him and he got employed as a News Editor with the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA). After a meritorious service with NTA, he got another fantastic employment opportunity with the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) in 1988 and to the glory of God, he retired in year 2015 as the Deputy Comptroller.

Chief Owoniyi is a community developer, who has contributed tremendously to the growth and development of his community. He is a silent achiever, father to the fatherless, role model, an icon of hope and peace, a true ambassador of Owe Kingdom.

The immediate Predecessor of the Oba-elect

IT would be on record that Oba Michael Folorunsho Olobayo OON, JP (Obaro-Ero II), who was the chairman; Okun Traditional Council until his demise on Monday, May 16th, 2016, led an impactful life. Born on the 4th day of March 1945, to the family of Augustine Olobayo, he attended St. Mary’s Primary School and St Augustine’s College both in Kabba. After his secondary education, he proceeded to St. John’s College Kaduna for his H.S.C.

In 1967, he was admitted into the great Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria where he graduated with a Bachelors Degree in History in 1972. He immediately joined the Kwara State Civil Service and was made the Press Secretary to the then Military Governor.

He later joined the Admin cadre of the government. He served at various times with the Ministry of Works, Land and Housing; the Governor’s office, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Information, Social Welfare and Culture. He was members of many boards before his appointment as the Obaro of Kabba.

He took a bow to join his ancestors barely a week and two months after his 71st birthday and exactly a year after he celebrated his 30th year on the throne.

Talking about accomplishment, it remains obvious that the late Oba Olobayo left Kabba and by extension, Okun Traditional Council, better than he met it. Apart from bringing glamour and civility to the throne, his reign also engendered greater peace and cohesion in the polity. Late Oba Olobayo, the Obaro Ero II, through patience and humility was able to foster unprecedented peace in Kabba, despite, initial bickering at his ascension of the throne.

The initial years of his throne was highly challenging based on the singular fact that the throne was highly coveted by other clans. His father, Pa A.O. Olobayo was the king-elect, by the tradition of Owe land. While he was getting ready to be enthroned, he died suddenly and his family was so devastated by his death. It was at that point that the family beckoned on Michael Olobayo to be king in place of his father.

Young Olobayo was initially reluctant. His career then in Kwara State Civil Service was blossoming. Less than 40 years old, he was already a Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Governor’s office. He wished he could be left alone to go ahead with his highly promising career, but because he was unwilling to disappoint his family, he accepted to take over the Obaro stool. He was on the throne for almost 31 years.

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The Graphic sought the views of stakeholders from Kabba on the naming of the new Obaro of Kabba. Like it is said in the Bible, when the righteous is on throne, the people rejoice. Against this background, hear what stakeholders say about the appointment of Chief Owoniyi as the Obaro-elect. Their views are as reflected below;

Rt. Hon Matthew Kolawole, Speaker, Kogi State House of Assembly

One must commend the State Governor, His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello for expeditiously untying the knot and naming a new monarch for Kabba. Quite frankly, we had thought the matter would drag longer than necessary.

Announcing a replacement for the Late Oba Michael Olobayo who died some two years ago is not only timely, the person named also reflected the wishes and desire of Kabba people. The new monarch is the choice of the kingmakers and the entire people of Kabba. The wishes of the people have not been subverted and for this, we are eternally grateful to the Governor.

Obadofin of Oweland, HRH Oba Michael Yusuf.

We thank His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello for following due process and rule of law in the final choice of Chief Solomon Owoniyi as the new Obaro. The choice is the majority’s choice. The new Obaro has the capacity of carrying everybody along to usher in developments which the community has hungered for.

We appreciate Gov. Bello for doing our wish. With this gesture, Kabba people will surely work for his re-election. Kabba people are not surprised with the appointment because the coming of Governor Bello is divine and he believes in equity and fairness. Nobody is greater than another. We also appreciate the kingmakers who were honest and truthful.

They did not allow greed to sway their opinion on the right choice. We also appreciate the chieftaincy holders and the people for their support and speaking with one voice, I pray God to help the new king to work assiduously for the development of Owe kingdom. May God grant him wisdom, like his name Solomon, to pilot Kabba affairs well. All Kings of Okun land and elsewhere have been calling to congratulate us on the right choice. Once again as we appreciate Gov. Bello, we pray God to assist him do more for Okunland in general.

Obajemu of Oweland: HRH Oba Michael Ibinaiye.

The choice of the new Obaro, Chief Solomon Owoniyi is putting a square peg in a square hole because since his appointment there has been peace. He is the community’s choice. It is different to what happened in 1985. For the state government and Kabba people, it is a great achievement. The government did a very thorough research and findings before arriving at the right choice

Undoubtedly, even if soldiers were not deployed to Kabba on the day of his pronouncement, there won’t have been any crisis. Tell me how only one or two people can fight against about 200 people. Our thanks to Governor Yahaya Bello cannot end and we will never forget his administration for bringing lasting peace to Kabba. May God provide money for him to get his second term aspiration fulfilled.

We remain loyal to his government and pledge to work towards his second term in office. Obaro Gbadebo Aka once broke the shackles in returning us to our right but the military administration of Wing Comm Umaru (Rtd) returned us to chaos. We thank God and Governor Bello for returning lasting peace to Kabba domain.

Chief Joseph Femi, Head of Katu Royal Group.

It is a good development. Justice has prevailed. Chief Owoniyi is Owe’s choice. In fact, I am one of the champions of the course. His choice undoubtedly will bring developments and progress to Kabba. We appreciate Governor Yahaya Bello who followed the rule of law and due process. Everybody is happy, the three royal groups are happy. We congratulate the Governor on making this wide decision and not influenced by money or lies.

Chief Gboyega Aka,  Secretary to Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area and Obafoun of Oweland.

The choice of Chief Owoniyi is a welcome development. Though it took a long process but the truth finally prevailed. When due process is followed, it takes time but everybody enjoys it at the end. Alhaji Yahaya Bello – led administration did a lot of findings to arrive at the truth.

There was no imposition. If it was imposition, there would have been crisis and protest, no matter the array of soldiers deployed. On the day of his coronation, the Governor will know how grateful Kabba people are to him and how joyful they are with this gesture. Let me say we appreciate His Excellency for not being swayed by money.

The Governor took his time to study the situation and arrived on a safe land. With this appointment, Kabba is bound to witness progress. There will be unity and development in Kabba and Okun land in general.

Chief Joshua Oloruntoba, the Secretary to Obadofin of Oweland and Obatoke of Kabba.

We thank God and the Governor for making the right choice. The Obaro-elect is the popular choice and he has the community’s support. Governor Bello has acted accordingly by allowing equity, fairness and justice to play out in this issue. Definitely, this will usher in development and progress in Kabba and Okun land.

Engr Emmanuel Ajibero, President General of Kabba Development Union.

We received with great joy the news of the appointment of the new Obaro of Kabba HRM Oba Solomon Dele Owoniyi. We appreciate our Executive Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello for concluding all the necessary processes culminating, in the appointment of the new Obaro.

We congratulate the Obaro-elect/Chairman Okun Traditional Council and wish him a happy and successful tenure. I also congratulate the entire Owe Community on the fact that about two years after the demise of our late Obaro Olobayo, we now have a new “father”.

We assure the State Governor, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Bello of our continued support as we urge him to continue in this good work with our community for the progress and development of Okunland in particular and the state in general.

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