Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu: Reasons to Vote for Wemi Jones

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Agenda 1: Responsible and Responsive Quality Legislative Representation.

WEMI JONES is totally committed to legislative representation. A man who believes in the change mantra and he would work with relevant agencies, government at both State and federal levels to attract infrastructural developments to the constituents.

He is a man with genuine heart of transforming the lives of his people through robust legislations.

Agenda 2: Real Sustainable  Empowerment.

Empowerment efforts  in the coming  days will receive a new light as Wemi Jones stands to make it really  sustainable. He believes in a well  thought  out approaches to maximise the comparative  advantage within Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu federal constituency.

Wemi Jones promise real sustainable  empowerment whereby the primary beneficiaries will over a short time, become employers of labour. He will create an enabling  environment for trainings to improve the collective intelligence and economic  growth of the constituents. Thus, empowering the minds intellectually through financial  education and skills acquisition, and  empowering the skilled hands through start up loans and wealth creation.

Today, Wemi Jones is ready  to lead in achieving the wide spread  call for a paradigm  shift  from the prevailing  ineffective mode of empowerment  to wealth sustainability.

Agenda 3: Development And Inculcation Of Entrepreneurial Acumen.

A rich  man in a community  of the poor  is also poor. Also, a strong  man leading a group  of weak people is weak.

On this premise, Wemi Jones is set to develop human capital as one of the ways to curb the rising poverty  level and underdevelopment in Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu federal constituency. He will bridge the gap between unemployment and societal  needs through entrepreneurial literacy, which  consists  of grooming  and applying technical  skills to develop small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). He will also leverage on this to inculcate value and enduring wealth for the constituents and Okun land  at large.

Wemi Jones will champion the course to see that entrepreneurship becomes a lifestyle  or culture. His target  is to ensure  that the constituents embrace  the mindset  towards  self employment  and multiple  flow of income.

– Isaac Kayode Obajemu.

For: Wemi Jones Media Team

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