Is Third Term Agenda Jinxed?

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There is something inexplicably mysterious and ominous about most third-term agendas across the globe. These ventures often end in disaster for those who dare to contemplate them. But before delving further, it is essential to clarify what is meant by the term “third-term agenda” as used in this context.

In this discussion, the third-term agenda refers to the act of going against already established norms or prearranged power rotation systems within a community, party, nation, state, local government, or federal constituency. It involves a deliberate attempt to manipulate or circumvent existing agreements that limit the tenure of an office holder. These agreements, whether written or unwritten, are often rooted in collective consensus to ensure equitable power sharing and smooth transitions.

A third-term agenda typically arises from personal greed or the intoxicating allure of power. However, it is important to note that such an agenda only exists in situations where power sharing or rotation mechanisms are in place. Otherwise, an individual can remain in office for as long as it pleases his people.

Most third-term agendas are doomed to fail because they go against the will of the people. They are often seen as selfish, anti-people policies and are dead on arrival. Proponents of these agendas frequently cloak their ambitions in flimsy excuses, presenting themselves as indispensable or godlike figures. However, when these agendas inevitably collapse, their advocates are left desolate and abandoned as victims of their own hubris.

Leaders must respect the agreements that bring them to power. When their terms end, they should willingly relinquish their positions and pave the way for new leadership to emerge. After all, they would never have been in office in the first instance, if their predecessors failed to relinquish power.

There are global examples of failed third-term agendas
across the world. Numerous leaders have attempted to extend their tenure beyond agreed limits, only to face resounding failure and humiliation. One prominent example is President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, whose third-term ambition was met with overwhelming resistance and ultimately failed. Others include Fredrick Chiluba of Zambia, Alberto Fujimori of Peru, Raul Alfonsin of Argentina and Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal among others. Paul Diya of Cameron was almost disgraced out of office because of his third term ambition. The disgraceful exit of these leaders from power are enough lessons for others.

In Yagba, there exists an unwritten agreement governing the rotation of power among its constituent units. Initially, this arrangement allowed for a single term per Local Government Area (LGA). Over time, it evolved into a two-term system. At present, each LGA is entitled to two terms before power rotates to another.

Any attempt to disrupt this arrangement constitutes a third-term agenda and is widely unacceptable to the people of Yagba. While the system may evolve to accommodate three or four terms in the future, such changes must follow due process and consensus, ensuring all LGAs have had their fair share of leadership under the existing framework.

It is a fact that many third term proponents were pushed into such ill conceived ideas by their followers who are driven majorly by personal gains or “stomach infrastructure”. They keep pushing their unsuspecting leaders until they fall. These followers are opportunists who remain silent in the face of injustice because they benefit from the status quo. Ironically, these same individuals would never tolerate such disruptions if they were the ones at the receiving ends. They forget the golden rule of “do unto others the same way you want to be treated”.

It is critical to uphold the principles of fairness and equity in any plural society. Power rotation is not just a mechanism for political stability; it is a matter of collective integrity and respect for shared agreements.

The future of Yagba transcends the ambitions of any single individual. While the days ahead may bring challenges, one truth remains: Yagba is greater and stronger than any selfish agenda. Time will reveal the destiny that lies ahead for the Constituency, but the commitment to fairness and unity will always prevail.

– Commodore Folusho Daniel (Rtd) writes from Orokere Amuro, Kogi State

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