In Memory of a Good Boss, J. Y. Akuh Esq

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He was a boss too good to know

Jovial, kind and openhearted

Like a motherhen, he gathered and carried us along in the Zonal Office of the MOJ

He chastised us, advised us, challenged us for good and gave us liberty and free access

Our progress was his progress, our comfort his comfort, and our pain, his pain

Though a boss, in him was no pride of a boss

Young and old he treated equal

And with his charismatic leadership, he gatthered all men in the table of unity.

Oh J. Y. Akuh,  what a good boss you were

27th May, 2019, brought us together again in the office and your presence as usual made that day very lively

You told us about the need to do good always

In your usual way of moral admonition, you said that a man’s flesh is not edible but his character

You called us by names and repeatedly said, “I said, do good”!

We never knew that would be the last of such encounter.

And then came the evil night:  28th May!

In our innocent sleeps, we never knew the whole world was turning around

A good man had died in a manner most shocking to all

Life indeed, is like the fate of a lit candle in the heartbeat of a whirling wind

Which fades away like vain vapour

Never to be found again in a place where it once flourished!

An intelligent lawyer, a State Counsel with amiable personality

He did his cross-examinations in courts without writing down questions

Because they flowed sequentially from the pots of divine wisdom  and knowledge

He had compassion on who deserved compassion and brought to book those whose guiltiness were never in doubt.

He installed kings through his brilliant performance in Chieftaincy matters

He spiced boring court proceedings with meaningful jokes

And conquered the  angers of men with humble smiles.

J. Y. Akuh was a man in whom all men were well pleased!

But, death struck, and the motherearth swallowed the  People’s “Barrister”!

And as if it was just yesterday, 365 days have passed by now

Yet, we feel the pains of your absence everyday like fresh wounds

But, we find consolation that we shall meet in the new Jerusalem where we shall live to part no more.

Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord

Adieu, special boss, adieu!

S. O. Akobe is a lawyer, a Social Commentator and Poet.

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