Igalamela-Odolu: Baron’s Achievements Are Guided by Prudence and Transparency – Inuwa

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The Secretary to Igalamela-Odolu local government area, Hon. Rilwanu Inuwa has has attributed the monumental achievements recorded by the Joseph Baron Okwoli-led administration in Igalamela-Odolu to the Administrator’s exceptional commitment to ensuring prudence and transparency in the spending of local government funds.
Hon. Inuwa made the statement while addressing Emachi Road Central Youths Development Association in Ajaka, headquarters of Igalamela-Odolu local government area.
“When he assumed of office, Hon. Joseph Baron Okwoli promised the people of the local government that there will be big changes to the way of doing things in this local government. Relying on his sense of prudence and transparency, he has succeeded in using the meager resources available to achieve very great things.
“Baron does not believe in excuses. This administration has built a new secretariat, transformed Igalamela/Odolu Hotel, paid JAMB fees, paid school fees for secondary and primary school students and pupils, donated motorcycles and  rehabilitated rural roads to mention but a few. And this is just the begging,” he said.
In his remark, President of the Association, Mr Adejoh Solomon commended the Administrator and his team for the unprecedented development recorded under their leadership. He assured them of the support of the youths in the area and urged them to continue their efforts towards developing the local government.
Similarly, the Treasurer of the Association, Mr Monday Wada commended Baron and his team for their efforts towards ensuring that all the rural roads in the local government are rehabilitated ahead of the yuletide season. He also reemphasized the support of the Association to the New Direction policies and programmes of the APC under the leadership of Alhaji Yahaya Bello and prayed that God will continue to grant them wisdom, long life and good health.

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