Hoopla on Rotation of Public Offices in Mopamuro, A Call for Equity

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In the last three days there has been a hoopla on the age-long rotation of public offices in Mopamuro local government. It has been one heated disagreement after the other.
Some argued that after the 2019 general elections, local government administration is expected to be manned by someone from the Amuro axis of Mopamuro, while the representative at the State Assembly should be from Mopa axis. Others argued that since the tenure of current LG administrator is yet to elapse, it is common sense that Amuro retains House of Assembly seat.
I go with the wisdom of our leader, Evangelist Femi:

“There are basically two schools of thought being canvassed here vehemently. There is no ABSOLUTE CORRECTNESS nor ABSOLUTE ERROR in both.
“Many Okun Local Government Areas have districts. In Yagba West, we have the Area Council and the Town Council. In Yagba East, we have Isanlu and the South East. In Mopamuro, we have Amuro and Mopa. In Ijumu, we have Gbede, Ijumu Oke and Ijumu Arin.
“All of these Districts rotate the two main positions that are sacrosanct to them: Chairmanship and Assembly. When they have the Reps bonus, they still subject it to the internal rotation mechanism.
“In Kabba Bunu LGA, the Speaker is going for a second term in Office. Therefore, it is most likely Bunu will retain the Administrator. And if they are lucky to have the BIK Reps, Bunu May have it too because a Kabba man has been there for 8 unbroken years!
“Coming to Ijumu, the ALGON Chairman has been a very strategic part of this administration. He may likely retain his seat. Therefore, either Ijumu Arin or Oke will take the Assembly. I foresee Hon Omofaye retaining the ticket if he misses out on the Reps.
“Coming to Mopamuro, Hon. Alumo is there now and our own Hon. Pedro is in the Assembly. Giving Amuro the Administrator now will mean Amuro holding the two till next year June.
“Will Mopa agree to that? Will Alumo be retained or replaced? While the first question is for Mopa people, the second will SOLELY be the exclusive of the Governor.
“Let me also say that the Governor has all the facts we assume he doesn’t. He will act based on his discretion and political requirements and need. Moreover, our party members in Mopa seem to have conceded the Assembly to us.
“So Mopa may likely continue to administer the LGA.
“In Yagba East, Hon Omiata is seeking re-election. Therefore the Administrator from Isanlu may continue.
Yagba West is where real politics is gearing up. The Administrator is from Egbe. And all the Assembly aspirants are also from Egbe because they believe the offices must rotate. Let us watch their risk and take a cue from that for future political actions.”
It is only wise that Mopa gladly retain the local government administration while Amuro retains the Assembly seat. The unnecessary discordant tunes orchestrated by ambitious politicians will only hurt one of the two divides.
What happens if Amuro fields a candidate for Assembly election and he loses out to an Mopa opponent? What then will be the fate of Amuro? Doctrine of necessity must be employed here. Since Mopa is current in charge of local government administration, it is safe to allow Amuro retain the Assembly seat to avoid post 2019 election discord.
I appeal to sides to allow reason to prevail, Amuro should continue with Assembly while Mopa hold on local government administration for equity, justice and fairness.
– Obasun Samuel
Ward 08 APC chairman and chairman of the chairmen in Mopamuro.

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