Hon. Samuel Zakari: The Change is Here

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In the last one year, Bassa LGA  have witnessed a moment of administrative and leadership changes. Leadership that embraced equality, equity and togetherness which are mainly the basics through which a sound and a peaceful atmosphere behooves.

The inauguration of Hon Samuel Zakari as the sole Administrator of Bassa LGA saw an era where indigenes of Bassa LGA heaved a sigh of relief and said goodbye to  hopelessness, financial recklessness and poor administrative services. That moment breathed in quality in leadership, high intentions, sincere efforts, intelligent direction and skillful execution of government programs and policies. That moment represented the Governors wise choice of many alternatives.

The citizens of the LGA have come to understand the heart of a committed leadership that precedes achievement and separates the good from the great. And this unequalled commitment have been tested severally by his sincere actions and these have opened so many doors of achievements within this short time. The Bassa people are now drumming the embers of patience, tolerance and peaceful co-existence to ensure the infrastructure and other developmental deficit are met within the life span of this administration. Hon Zakari picked up the gauntlet and was able to built a solid bridge within the dichotomies of our  tripartite existence by doing justice to all and at all times. As the say goes, to whom much is given, more is also expected of him.

The future looks bright because the attitude this time around looks right. The Bassa  citizens will continue to work tirelessly to ensure decent followership and a committed art of partnership to ensure Bassa LGA changes for the better. And of course, we will continue to savor this moment because we now  understand that the journey is as enjoyable as its destination.

Hon Yizogembi Abwa, an APC Stalwart, wrote from Bassa.

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