Hon Leonard, Sabdat: An Uncommon Love Story of a ‘Powerful Couple’

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By Yabagi Mohammed.

The story of love between Hon Leonard Omuya Peter and heartthrob, Sabdat Orahachi Peters is one that is uncommon in this parts of the world; a commitment renewed annually is one meant only for telltales and the movies and yet, that is what it is. 

The couple has, through unabashed Public Display of Affection (PDA) became known for their undying love for one another which has become a symbol of what a perfect couple should look like. 

In the words of the philanthropic hubby; “Sometimes I wonder what I would be, had I not found my wife. I would have been a lost and lonely soul. This world could show me nothing new, but for her.

“My life is a canvas painted with your love, my dear wife. It will always be, and now I see the two of us together through time and will never part. This fairy tale that we share is real inside our hearts. Let it be forever, never let it end.

“This promise I do make; heaven is ours to take.”

Thus, in a tradition alien to Nigeria, a power couple in Okene, Hon Leonard Omuya Peters and his heartthrob, Mrs Sabdat Orahachi Peters, have made it the habit of renewing their vows annually. 

It was in that regard that the Royal Father, Ohitape of Esusu in Okene Local Government Area enjoined couples to emulate the couple by making sure they take time to appreciate one another and ensure they regularly renew their vows.

He said the couples is a love that cannot be described or qualified  not even by the best adjectives that explains physical and emotional connection between two souls functioning as one unit.

“Known as the Power Couple’ in their circle, the two exude passion and compassion, companionship and a thread  held component that is inseparable  they are the toast of every couple as they are without doubt, a perfection in action.

“Tongues wag about their relationship, but all for the positivity and sweetness that is the story of the couple. It is a tale told over and over, with many salivating to have a similar affiliation with their significant half  a love anew every day.”

It was gathered at the occasion which was attended by many of the couples associates, friends and well wishers, among who were political officer holders from Okene LGA and the state. 

In their reactions, they described the couples lifestyle as encompassing complete modern day successful husband and wife who inculcate the spirit of love and companionship in their everyday affairs, saying the bond between them has been the reason they renew their marriage vows on annual basis.

“They are a complete definition of Ebira perfect couple,” stressed the President General of Agada Elders Council.

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