Hidden Treasures: Kogi Has Everything it Takes to be More Developed Than Australia

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Kogi State, popularly known as the Confluence State, is located in north-central geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The State was created on 27th August, 1991 by the then Head of State, General Ibrahim Gbadamosi Babangida from part of Kwara State and Benue State and it has twenty one (21) Local Government Areas.

Kogi is the only State in Nigeria which shares boundary with ten (10) other States. It is bordered to the north by the Federal Capital Territory and Niger State; to the north-west by Kwara State; to the north-east by Nassarawa State; to the west by Ondo and Ekiti States; and to the east by Benue State. It also shares boundary with Anambra State to the south; Edo State to the south-west and Enugu State to the south-east.

There are three (3) main ethic groups and languages in Kogi State: Igala, Ebira and Ogun (a Yoruba group) with other minorities like Bassa, Nupe, Ogori Magongo, Oworo (a Yoruba group), Ogugu (subgroup of the Igala), Gwari, Kakanda, and the Eggan community.

Research has shown that Kogi State is blessed with abundant mineral resources distributed fairly in the two geological segments of the State.

According to reports by the Geological Survey of Nigeria Agency (GSNA), the State has over twenty (20) known major mineral deposits distributed across its twenty one (21) Local Government Areas and offers considerable attraction for investors.

Kogi State is home to the largest iron and steel industry in Nigeria known as Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited and also, one of the largest cement factories in Africa, Dangote Cement Factory is built in Kogi State.

Geological Survey of Nigeria Agency (GSNA) has played an active role in the exploration for mineral deposits in Nigeria. Kogi State like other States in Nigeria is found to be endowed with mineral resources. The mineral resources so far reported in the State by the geological Survey of Nigeria Agency are as follows:
Beryl: found in Ikoyi, Ijumu LGA and Aku in Adavi LGA.
Cassiterrite: found in Yagba West LGA.
Clay: found in all the 21 Local Government Areas of Kogi State.
Coal: found in Odokpono, Okobo and Odagbo (Okaba) in Ankpa LGA and at Ogboyaga in Dekina LGA.
Columbite: found in Isanlu-Esa, Okoloke, Ode Eri and Ejiba in Yagba West LGA; Iddo and Takete-Isao in Yagba East LGA; and Idibo in Ajaokuta LGA.
Feldspar: found in Isanlu-Esa and Egbe in Yagba West LGA; Osara, Aku and Zariaji in Adavi LGA; and Lokoja the State capital.
Fire Clay: found in Ahoko-Kota LGA.
Garnet: found in Isanlu and Takete-Isao in Yagba East LGA and Odo-Ara in Yagba West LGA.
Gold: found in Okolom, Dogondaji and Odogbe in Yagba East LGA; Okoloke and Ejima in Yagba West LGA; and Katcha Katcha in Omala LGA.
Granite: found in all over the western flanks of the State.
Iron Ore: found in Itakpe and Ajagbanoko in Adavi LGA; Agbado-Okudu, Agbaja, Oshokoshoko and Tajimi in Lokoja LGA; Ebiya in Ajaokuta LGA; and Koton-Karfi in Kogi LGA.
Kaolin: found in Agbaja Plateau and Emu in Lokoja LGA; Agbaja Hill in Bassa LGA; and Angba in Igalamela/Odolu LGA.
Magnetite: found in Agbaja Plateau, Tajimi Ridge and Patti Ridge in Lokoja LGA; Gboloko in Basaa LGA; Akpogu in Mopa Muro LGA; and Ebiya in Ajaokuta LGA.
Marble: found in the western flank of the State at Oyo-Iwa and Jakura in Lokoja LGA; Okoloke in Yagba West; Ekinrin-Adde in Ijumu LGA; Osara and Ubo in Adavi LGA; Itobe in Ofu LGA; and Mopa in Mopa Muro LGA.
Mica: found in Egbe and Isanlu-Esa in Yagba West LGA; Idofin in Yagba East LGA; Zariaji and Aku in Adavi LGA; and Lokoja the State capital.
Muscovite: Isanlu-Esa in Yagba West LGA; Idofin in Yagba East LGA; and Aku and Zariaji in Adavi LGA.
Quart: found in all western flank of the State mostly in Isanlu-Esa in Yagba West LGA; Idofin in Yagba East LGA; Aku in Adavi LGA; and Lokoja the State Capital.
Silica: found in all over the State mostly along river channels both in the western and eastern flanks of the State.
Talc: Ejiba in Yagba West LGA; Okolom, Odogbe and Iye in Yagba East LGA.
Tantalite: found in Okoloke and Odo-Eri in Yagba West LGA; and Idibo in Ajaokuta LGA.

Sourced from International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 9, No.7, July 2018.

Interestingly, the minerals discovered so far in Kogi State occur across the entire State both in the Baseline Complex and the Sedimentary (Anambra) Basin. Every of the 21 Local Government Areas of the State has at least two mineral deposits. Most of these mineral occur in commercial quantities and are easily accessible.

In view of the favourable geological environment in which these mineral resources are contained, mining and quarrying are easily workable; of equal importance is that the physical and chemical properties of the minerals portend their suitability for processing.

Conclusively, these minerals encompass a wide variety of materials from metallic minerals like iron ore to non-metallic minerals like coal. Some are found on the surface, while others are found within the earth and can be exploited through underground mining.

The minerals are at various stages of exploration and exploitation. If taken advantage of, the exploration and exploitation of these minerals will increase tremendously the revenue generation capacity of the State, Nigeria and Africa at large; and aside the considerable multiplier effects, it will serve as a major foreign exchange earners and a source of raw material to local and international industries.

– Ozovehe Moses writes from Kogi state.

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